Monday, April 16, 2012


There was a visitor in church Sunday.....did you see her??? Not Denise P.!!!!! Denise brought her dog Cypress as part of her Children's Sermon. Denise shared with the children about Cypress and her training as a Leader Dog. This takes trust just as we trust in Jesus. What a great lesson. Denise has had Cypress for about a year. Her cousin trains Leader Dogs and Cypress was retired and came to live with Denise. Thank you Cypress for helping us out in teaching the children about trusting God!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Denise for sharing in such a great way. I am sure you made quite the impression with the kids....they will remember the day the dog came to church with a message for them. I am glad Cypress is continuing to be a good will ambassador as your assistant. Thanks for being such a good mom to Cypress!

    From Cypress'first' mom,
    Future Leader Dog puppy raiser,
    your cousin,
