Monday, April 16, 2012


They weren't too sure about using this picture for the blog....but Scott, Tammy and Ali W. were acting just a little crazy on Sunday. When asked what the craziest thing they have ever done though........Tammy said, "we're really not that crazy." Well, that may be true but some faces just bring a smile to your face because they are smiling too.....and the happiness and love for God that this family has helps us do that at Lakewood. Tammy has been a part of life at Lakewood her entire life. Scott started coming when he began dating Tammy in about 1984. They have two children Zack and Alli Jo. Zack will be married to Laura K. in May and Alli Jo is a sophomore. Scott has been employed at Woodman's Plumbing for 32 years. Tammy works at Thornapple Valley Family Physicians and has been there for 26 years. Tammy enjoys mowing and working in her yard and Scott loves to golf. When asked why they have been part of the life at Lakewood for so many years they quickly responded with.....our roots are here, family and friends and their desire to know God more. May God bless this family as they grow in His love.

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