Monday, April 23, 2012


"He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."  Mark 16:15 The world needs to hear about will He use us to share His love?  May God use each of us this week to tell others about salvation through Christ.


Quite a few ladies gathered at the church on Monday to use their hands for God's glory.  The goal was to put together as many quilts as they could in one day.  The machines were flying and the needles clicking as they worked their way from one quilt to the next.  These quilts will be donated to those in need throughout our community.  It was busy all day (except for the unexpected fire alarm...thank you John!) and a big thank you is due each one who participated.  May God blesss these quilts and use them to share His love with others.


It was a fun afternoon of bowling, snacking and good friends.  The All Church Bowling was in Ionia and a good group showed up from here at Lakewood.  We didn't see too many high scores but there was LOTS of smiles, laughs and cheers!  It was great to watch the little children as they tried so hard to get a strike.  Thank you Lord for our church family and good times to share together.


We were blessed at Lakewood, this past Sunday, to have John Collier as our guest speaker.  John shared his life story of his journey from an abused childhood to a successful career in law enforcement.  From his success he fell and ended up in prison and there found the Lord.  Now John travels and shares his message that all may receive freedom from the wounds of their life through Jesus Christ.  John's testimony was powerful and many were challenged to a deeper walk with Christ. 


Last Tuesday the Keenager combined with the weekly Respite program for a time of sharing and fun.  A program was presented by Dave and Beckie F. on their recent trip to Costa Rica.  This was a very informative and interesting presentation as they shared the experience with their daugther Hannah.  Following the program a pot-luck lunch was shared.  There was lots of good food and even more good talk.  Praise the Lord for friends and times to share together.

Monday, April 16, 2012


"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed are you this week as you PLANT yourself in God's love and bear His fruit!


They weren't too sure about using this picture for the blog....but Scott, Tammy and Ali W. were acting just a little crazy on Sunday. When asked what the craziest thing they have ever done though........Tammy said, "we're really not that crazy." Well, that may be true but some faces just bring a smile to your face because they are smiling too.....and the happiness and love for God that this family has helps us do that at Lakewood. Tammy has been a part of life at Lakewood her entire life. Scott started coming when he began dating Tammy in about 1984. They have two children Zack and Alli Jo. Zack will be married to Laura K. in May and Alli Jo is a sophomore. Scott has been employed at Woodman's Plumbing for 32 years. Tammy works at Thornapple Valley Family Physicians and has been there for 26 years. Tammy enjoys mowing and working in her yard and Scott loves to golf. When asked why they have been part of the life at Lakewood for so many years they quickly responded with.....our roots are here, family and friends and their desire to know God more. May God bless this family as they grow in His love.


There was a visitor in church Sunday.....did you see her??? Not Denise P.!!!!! Denise brought her dog Cypress as part of her Children's Sermon. Denise shared with the children about Cypress and her training as a Leader Dog. This takes trust just as we trust in Jesus. What a great lesson. Denise has had Cypress for about a year. Her cousin trains Leader Dogs and Cypress was retired and came to live with Denise. Thank you Cypress for helping us out in teaching the children about trusting God!


The Living Stones spent Sunday afternoon at Cornerstone Living Center in Hastings sharing God's love. The group presented a short program with puppets and dancing which was greatly appreciated by the residents. The youth did an awesome job and God's Spirit was present as they shared. A time of visiting, cake and fun followed the program and gave the youth an opportunity to talk with the residents. What a blessing for young and old to come together as One in Him.


God calls us to minister to those around us......many times we don't know, here's an opportunity! The Mission Committee has organized a program to help feed children in our community during the week-ends. Yes, there are children that need food in our own backyards. Food will be collected on April 22 and 29. For a list of items to donate or more information contact the church. May God use us to share His love!!!


The youth are raising funds for future activities and events. Many were checking out the different types of bags that they are selling. They will be offering these through May 13 so check it out and help support our youth. Many comments were heard that these would make great graduation gifts, etc.

Monday, April 9, 2012


"Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." I Cor. 15:57 May your life be victorious as you live in the power of our risen Lord!


It was an awesome celebration as almost 400 gathered on Sunday morning to worship and praise our risen Lord! Chairs had to be set up in the back with several even standing. Praise music, the choir and a special by Rob C. helped to create an atmosphere of joy. How wonderful to have those from both the first and second services join together for one great service. The life changing message of the Resurrection of Christ was central and our prayers are that many heard and responded to God's Word. May we continue to live each day rejoicing in the gift of life through Jesus Christ.


Everyone was in their Easter "best" as we celebrated and praised the Lord.....even the children were wearing new dresses, suits and ties. Matti and Stephen A. were so cute as they showed off their new clothes.....and their smiles would bring joy to any heart!


It was a wonderful Sunday morning with lots of activity and excitement......even the nursersy was filled with babies and toddlers. God has blessed Lakewood with many families and so many were with us to celebrate the Resurrection. Thank you to all who volunteered their time working in the nursery and for all who volunteer throughout the year. We love babies!


The Living Stones had the opportunity to share the message of the cross at the Annual Egg Hunt in Lake Odessa. Many of the group were on Spring Break but those who were able worked together to share God's love. It was a beautiful day and a super crowd was present. Praise the Lord for times like this and we pray that many heard the Good News! Good job Stones!!!


Did you see the Bunny at the Egg Hunt last Saturday?? He was a great bunny and the kids loved him! If you don't recognize who it is, here's a clue.....(Andy A.)!! Couldn't resist letting the bunny out of the bag!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012


"Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from nowon until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." Matt. 26:27-29 Thanks be to God for the gift of His Son Jesus!!! May each of us know Jesus and His love this week!


Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!.....those words echoed at Lakewood this Sunday as we celebrated Palm Sunday. How joyous it was as everyone came forward with Palm Branches remembering Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Sebastion and Oliver B. wanted to keep their branches......and a little child shall lead them!!! May we each have a child like faith as we celebrate during this Holy Week!


As Pastor Dave prepares for communion we are preparing to observe Holy Week. This week we remember the gift of life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Thursday evening at 7 p.m. will be the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service. This is a special time of darkness in obeservance of the Last Supper. Sunday morning we will celebrate the Resurrection with one service at 10 a.m. Come and join us with special music and a special Easter message....He is risen!!


Sixty-six bags of homemade cookies were shared as an outreach of God's love this past Sunday. We were asked to take a bag to someone in need of encouragement or as an expression of love. It was awesome to see so many come forward and take ahold of this opportunity! Kurt, Leah and Kara J. were looking forward to sharing their cookies with a friend. May God bless this simple act and use it for His glory!


It was great to see so many "snowbirds" returning home to Lakewood this week! Tiffani was glad to have Jerry and Betty B. home and so are we! May God be with those traveling home and with those on Spring Break this week.