Monday, February 27, 2012


The youth had a great week-end at Camp Barakel and Emily P. is the first to share her experience. Emily was very excited as she shared and says that her favorite part of the camp was the tubing. Emily said that; "we went down really fast but going up the tow rope was so slow!" Other things that Emily told about included the "really" good food. She said that the chicken popcorn was great! The speaker for week-end was named Landon and he spoke about "Sowing Your Seed." He shared about sin and how to resist it. Emily said that he was good and she enjoyed him. There wasn't much time for sleep and Emily said that the ride home was really slow and long. Even Jake was tired after so much fun, she said! The thing that Emily will remember most about Camp Barakel was "hanging out with friends." May God bless each one that was a part of this time and continue to strengthen our youth in His love.

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