Monday, February 27, 2012


This picture includes two faces that are sometimes hard to tell apart! This is Grace B. and her twin sons Matthew and Anthony (Anthony has the hat on). This is just part of Grace's family as her husband B. J. and sons Ryan and Jeremiah were not present for the photo. Grace and her family have been involved at Lakewood for a little more than four years and have become active in many areas. Grace volunteers on several committees and is a worker at King's Club. The family had "church shopped" for a long time but Grace says that when she came to Lakewood it felt like home. She was attracted by the programs for the kids and has found a place to bring them up in the ways of the Lord. Grace works at Pennock Hospital and her husband, B. J., drives truck for M & M Restaurant Supply (the big McDonald's trucks). When asked about her hobbies, Grace laughed and said "with four kids who has time for hobbies?!!" Then she quickly added that her "guilty pleasure" is reading which she takes advantage of when there is a spare moment. Grace shares that her favorite scripture is Proverbs 31 about the Virtuous Woman. What a great family and we are blessed to have them a part of our life at Lakewood. May God bless them this week (especially since they were all sick last week)!!!

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