Monday, February 27, 2012


"If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." I Timothy 6:8 We are so blessed with food at Lakewood! Thank you to all that prepare and provide food for many events. May we learn to be thankful and CONTENT for ALL that God has given us!


This picture includes two faces that are sometimes hard to tell apart! This is Grace B. and her twin sons Matthew and Anthony (Anthony has the hat on). This is just part of Grace's family as her husband B. J. and sons Ryan and Jeremiah were not present for the photo. Grace and her family have been involved at Lakewood for a little more than four years and have become active in many areas. Grace volunteers on several committees and is a worker at King's Club. The family had "church shopped" for a long time but Grace says that when she came to Lakewood it felt like home. She was attracted by the programs for the kids and has found a place to bring them up in the ways of the Lord. Grace works at Pennock Hospital and her husband, B. J., drives truck for M & M Restaurant Supply (the big McDonald's trucks). When asked about her hobbies, Grace laughed and said "with four kids who has time for hobbies?!!" Then she quickly added that her "guilty pleasure" is reading which she takes advantage of when there is a spare moment. Grace shares that her favorite scripture is Proverbs 31 about the Virtuous Woman. What a great family and we are blessed to have them a part of our life at Lakewood. May God bless them this week (especially since they were all sick last week)!!!


The youth had a great week-end at Camp Barakel and Emily P. is the first to share her experience. Emily was very excited as she shared and says that her favorite part of the camp was the tubing. Emily said that; "we went down really fast but going up the tow rope was so slow!" Other things that Emily told about included the "really" good food. She said that the chicken popcorn was great! The speaker for week-end was named Landon and he spoke about "Sowing Your Seed." He shared about sin and how to resist it. Emily said that he was good and she enjoyed him. There wasn't much time for sleep and Emily said that the ride home was really slow and long. Even Jake was tired after so much fun, she said! The thing that Emily will remember most about Camp Barakel was "hanging out with friends." May God bless each one that was a part of this time and continue to strengthen our youth in His love.


Thank you to Micah and the L2 Band for the leadership in worship this Sunday. Jake was with the youth and the band did a great job of stepping up. How God has blessed us with willing and talented people that desire to share His love. Praise His Name!


Sunday nights aren't just for kids! There is always something going on for adults too! Currently there are three adult studies and each one is open for YOU to participate in. Bible Study, topics and right now a Parenting Class is all taking place. We are encouraged to grow in our faith so get plugged in, dig in and discover what God has for YOU!

Monday, February 20, 2012


"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor: no good thing does He withold from those whose walk is blameless." Psalm 84:11 (My apologies for nothing on the blog last week....I was in Florida and enjoying the sun! The flowers were just had to snap a picture....spring is on its way!)


This week our "Faces At Lakewood" features our new custodian-Frank C. Frank has been on the staff here at Lakewood for several weeks and already fits right in. Frank grew up in the Lakewood area and graduated from here in 1968. In fact, as a young boy, he attended this church back in the old Woodland EUB church. Frank remembers going to Sunday School in the basement and many other events. He has been married for 44 years and has two daughters and three grandchildren. Frank worked for Fisher Body for 33 years and then 9 1/2 years for the Lakewood School system as a janitor. His hobbies include fishing, hunting and sports. Welcome on board Frank....may God bless you as you work with us here at Lakewood!


The Living Stones shared this past Sunday for the Worship Time at Green Acres in Ionia. What a wonderful time it was as the group shared with puppets, music and dance. Several new residents of Green Acres attended with a really good group for the day. Emily T., Tiffany B., and Bret D., shared in testimony of their faith in Christ. The program was ended with some audience participation......the top photo shows Orpha praising the Lord with JOY!


What else can we say?!!!! Maya, Ellie, Izzy and Christian are just being silly! Doesn't it make YOU smile?????


The youth will be attending a Winter Retreat at Camp Barakel this coming week-end. Pray for them as they travel, have fun and experience God's love. Jake will be leading the group as they participate in the activities at Barakel. Maybe we should also pray for snow!!! Even more, that God will do great things in each of the hearts of each one.


It was a great night and a great turn out for the Benefit Dinner for Manna's Market last Friday. Baked potatoes, salad, rolls and dessert were on the menu and it was all good! Approximately $2,500.00 was raised to help those in need. Thank you to all who worked and made this possible and all who so generously gave. Praise the Lord!

Monday, February 6, 2012


"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." I Timothy 2:1-2 May we continue to pray for God's blessing and guidance for those in authority over us and may He be praised in that! (photo taken on the Living Stones trip to Lansing)


Joe was proud of his shirt as his picture was being taken for this week's "Faces At Lakewood" series. Becky just smiled! Joe and Becky A. are regular faces here at Lakewood and have been attending for over 26 years. They were invited to come here to church by friends and have been actively involved ever since. Both Joe and Becky have served on many different committees and positions. Their faithful and dedicated service to God is a reflection of their faith and love for Jesus. When they came to Lakewood they found friends and a family and they are an important part of that equation now. Joe and Becky have two daughters and one son-in-law and they couldn't forget their 3 "grand-dogs!" Becky works for Pennock Hospital and enjoys quilting in her spare time. Joe works for Bradford-White and is often found driving bus and helping area farmers in the fields. It is people like Joe and Becky that make the world a happy place and they certainly share that love at Lakewood. May God bless them this week in a special way!


It was a wild afternoon as we got pumped up for the big game! A great group of King's Club Kids and Youth gathered for games, contests and food. The church was rocking with great music and the pre-game on the big screen. Jake gave a "super" message on winning for Jesus---but he didn't have the inflatable football on his head then. Great times at Lakewood!


Doesn't this look like an "energetic" group?!!!! They all had as much fun watching the children and youth during the Pre-Game Party as everyone else did. Isn't it great that we can all share together as the family of God.....what a blessing!


Sunday lunch was BREAKFAST and it was great! Pancakes, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and sausage were just a few of the things available at this spread! Attendance was really good and appetites were too! What a wonderful time of fellowship for all ages. Thank you to all who work so hard to make this happen each month.


A group from the Living Stones traveled to Lansing this week to begin filiming for a new video. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and the purple shirts invaded the city! The Living Stones will be filming at different locations during the next month in preparation for their spring and summer performances. The next performance for this group will be Sunday, February 19, at Green Acres in Ionia.