Thursday, December 29, 2011


Seven different individuals were asked to share in three words what CHRISTMAS IS? Each one carefully thought of their response and as we share the Joy of Christmas we share their replies!













Laurel M......TIME WITH FAMILY (Laurel was sure we wanted to see her shoes not her face!)


The Centershot Ministry ended its fall/winter session last week with a super group. It was a busy night with lots of shooting and practicing the skills each one had learned. The study time was also great with questions and many comments concerning all that had been discussed. The highlight came as we prayed together and one of the students asked Christ to be their Savior and several rededicated their hearts to the Lord. God is so good and we praise Him as He used this ministry to reach the hearts of these children. A special recognition will be held on Sunday, January 8, for those that have participated in the Centershot program.


Christmas Sunday is always a special time for family and friends. As many came to worship on Sunday morning it was a great time of fellowship and catching up. What a blessing to see so many home for the holidays and sharing here at Lakewood as we celebrated the birth of our Savior!


Did she find the true Spirit of Christmas? That's the question after Dave M. and Brooke C. shared this humorous skit with us this past Sunday. Great job but most of us think that all that Brooke found was some Christmas Egg Nog!!! Well....just her character.....Brooke is FULL of the Spirit!! Thanks to both for sharing!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


"They bowed down and worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh." Matthew 2:11 May our gifts of praise, glory and honor to Jesus bless Him this Christmas season! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!


It is always wonderful to see a family worship together at Lakewood. Kurt and Beth J., and their four children, have been part of Life at Lakewood for over a year and a half. They were invited to come and visit by their neighbors and found a place to call their church home here. Kurt is originally from Lansing but has lived most of his life in the Lakewood area. Beth is a native Sunfield resident. Kurt works at GM and has recently become an adjunct professor for Spring Arbor University teaching Organizational Health and Environments. Beth works at River Inn in Sunfield. The four children.....Doug, Abby, Leah and Kara, range in elementary age to the oldest a senior at Lakewood High School. Thank you to this family for their involvement and leadership at Lakewood. This past Sunday they lit the Advent Candles and are involved in many areas of the church. May God bless them this week and surround them with His peace and love.


The Children's Program was awesome! What a blessing to see all the children dressed up and ready to sing and share the Good News! Wendy B. and Lynne H. did a great job or organizing and presenting this year's program. It is always a question whether all the letters for CHRISTMAS are going to be held up but they were all there (for the most part!). May God bless our families at Lakewood.


It's always interesting to look out toward the congregation and watch your faces! This past Sunday there were plenty of smiles as we watched the children share their Christmas program. Those smiles shine brightly with joy and peace. Let's keep smiling for Jesus this week!


The Keenagers and Respite programs met together last week for a time of celebration. A Christmas program was shared first. Marilyn N. and Beckie F. teamed up on the organ and piano and led us in several Christmas Carols. They also played a special which set the tone for the rest of the morning. Jake D. sang two songs; Good Christan Men Rejoice and O Holy Night accompanied by his guitar. Pastor Dave gave a Christmas Devotional focused on Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Following the program a potluck lunch was shared with lots of sweet treats to follow. A surprise included a Christmas stocking for everyone prepared by Marilyn. It was a wonderful time of being with Christian friends.....can it get any better?

Monday, December 12, 2011


"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18
Praise the Lord for His love and forgiveness! (A little more snow for Christmas would be a great reminder of this verse too.!!!!)


If you have ever turned around during worship and looked back at the sound board you are sure to see this face. Gordon W. is a familiar face at Lakewood as he takes care of many aspects of the sound system each week. Gordie has been attending at Lakewood a little over five years and got involved after visiting and discovering the need for assistance with the sound system. He is a native of Ionia and has two boys and one grandchild. Gordon has worked for Amway for 23 years and is looking forward to retirement in 2012. He hopes to be able to volunteer more in the church and in other areas of interest. The hobbies that most interest Gordie include working with the sound for Christian Bands including J-3 and Crosswise. He also has a passion for antique cars and owns a 1969 Charger. Gordon's willingness to help wherever he can and his contagious smile speak of his faith in Christ. He is a special part of life at Lakewood and may God's blessing be with him this week in a special way.


Did you know there was a Christmas Bunny? Apparently he made a visit to Children's Church this week. He normally makes his home with Claire and Ellie B. and this week's lesson was on the animals in the stable when Jesus was they brought him along to help tell the story. The bunny's name is Hunter and is a well loved pet. What a surprise to discover a bunny to help tell the Christmas story......and what fun too!


The children of the church are getting ready for Christmas! They will be sharing this coming Sunday, December 18, during the first service. A short program with songs and readings by the children will begin our time of worship. The program is under the direction of Wendy B. and Lynne H. What a wonderous way to celebrate the season!


This group of girls was having a great time this Sunday during the Fellowship Time. We were told they were having a tea party but where's the tea? There seemed to be a lot of giggles and games but pretzels and lemonade was the menu. What a blessing to see the children of Lakewood as they share the love of friends in Jesus!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


"An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Joseph, Son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:20-21 May Jesus be your Savior this Christmas!!


It has been just a little over a year since Rich T. has been attending here at Lakewood. Last month Rich officially joined the church as a member and has been a blessing to all of us. Rich has been a long time resident of this community and has been married for 56 years. He has five children, 13 grandchildren and (by March of 2012) will have 10 great grandchildren. Rich's faith has been an important part of his life and he claimes John 3:16 as his favorite verse. When asked "what brought you to Lakewood?" Rich quickly answers with "friendliness." He was looking for a change of pace and something different than his previous church offered. He knew a lot of people here and decided to give it a try. Lakewood is now his church home and Rich feels a part of the life here. His hobbies include the Lakewood Choral Society of which he has been a member since 1986. He has also collected miniature cars for many years and has amassed quite a collection. Many of these he has given away but still has some special ones. We pray for Rich and his family this week and may God bless them in a special way!


One of the strengths at Lakewood is the opportunity to build relationships. Many friendships are made that last a lifetime and what a blessing to worship, serve and fellowship with those we have grown close to. It is wonderful to look around and see evidence of this of often.....look at the smiles above....smiles that express joy and love. Take time to be a friend this week and you will be blessed!


The Living Stones performance of "Never Gonna Be The Same" was a great success this past week-end! What an awesome group of teens that love the Lord and worked together to share the message. Thank you to ALL involved in this annual project. Many family members and friends were at Lakewood to share in this special time and our prayer is that each one had an experience that has left them knowing they are NEVER GONNA BE THE SAME through Christ!

Monday, November 28, 2011


"Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1 May the lights of the Christmas season remind each of us that HE is the LIGHT of our lives!


It is always encouraging when you see Sandy J.'s great smile. Sandy is a regular at Lakewood and has been an active part for over 34 years. She has been a great blessing to many as she shares gives of herself in many ways. Sandy loves the fellowship with other people and says that what she loves best about Lakewood is that people "know you and still love you!" Currently, Sandy is serving as the Respite Coordinator and leads this group most every week. Her gentle spirit touches each one as she provides love and care. Sandy has three children and three grandchildren who inspire her life every day. She is retired now and enjoys light sewing and quilting......well.....she started two baby quilts 27 years ago and one is completed!!! She also makes baskets, embroiders and volunteers wherever she is able. Sandy's fondest Christmas memory is when she received a Bride Doll as a gift. She had this for many years and proudly displayed it until it was stolen. Thank you Sandy for all you do at Lakewood! May God bless you and all your family!


On Sunday we gathered together as the Family of God and as we worshipped Him a candle was lit. The first candle of four as we celebrate the season of Advent and prepare for Christmas Day. Christmas carols, scripture and the message all focused on the Advent of our blessed we are at Lakewood as we share in this special time of year.


There was LOTS of activity at Lakewood last week as preparations were underway for the Thanksgiving Dinner. Volunteers baked pies, popped corn, cooked food, set up tables and were ready for the big day! A great turn out and many deliveries to others provided a good meal and good fellowship. Thank you to all who were a part of this awesome project. We have so much to be thankful for!

Monday, November 21, 2011


'Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever." Psalm 100:4-5 May your heart be filled with THANKS for all the goodness God has given you......Happy Thanksgiving....Gobble, Gobble!


These two faces have been a part of Life at Lakewood for many years and have been involved in several areas of service to the Lord. Tom and Marilyn N. have both been here for the better part of their lives. Tom estimates that he has been in the church "60 some years" and Marilyn for at least 45. They have been married for 12 years and between their two families have seven children and fourteen grandchildren. Tom enjoys all kinds of sports and Marilyn's loves are music and baking. Marilyn has played the organ and piano at Lakewood for many years and is more than willing to share her gift at any time. Together Marilyn and Tom carry on the mission project started by Marilyn's mother of making cross bookmarks. These bookmarks are reminders of Christ's gift of life to the world. The bookmarks are given out to many and have traveled around the world proclaiming the message of salvation. Thank you Tom and Marilyn for all you do in the name of Jesus. Pray for this family this week as we continue to encourage each other as the Family of God.


This year's Annual Ron Wierenga Cookie Walk was a great success.....praise the Lord! Over $1700.00 was raised toward the Mission Fund and it was good too! There were cookies of every kind and it was hard to choose your favorite! Thank you to all involved in making this a wonderful project to support many various missions.


What are these two up to?? Franky and Owen play the mischievous characters of Mike and Ike in this year's Living Stones presentation of "NEVER GONNA BE THE SAME." Kara portrays Liz in the play and seems to have a difficult time dealing with these two. Make sure to be a part of this holiday tradition on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m.


It is amazing how many different groups, studies and times of prayer take place within Life at Lakewood. There are lots of opportunities to discover more and grow in one's faith. Perry S. leads a small group on Sunday night and a few of this group are shown above. The New Year is quickly approaching and maybe this would be a good time to start discovering new things through Christ. Contact Pastor Dave or the church office to find out how you can get plugged in!


Things are beginning to look a LOT like Christmas around Lakewood! Last Tuesday Beckie F. loaded up the van with 87 filled shoeboxes for Operation Shoebox. These will be delivered around the world and our prayers go with them. May the Good News of Jesus Christ be shared! The Christmas Tree is filling up in the Gathering Room too! It is draped with mittens, scarves, gloves and hats all destined for the Lakewood Community Christmas Basket project. What a blessing to be able to share in this way in our own community. Thank you and praise the Lord!

Monday, November 14, 2011


"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
May God's Word stand firm in your heart today!


It is a wonderful blessing to walk into Lakewood and see so many new faces. Among those faces are Jon and Kristen H. Jon and Kristen have worshipped at Lakewood since moving to this area over a year ago. Jon's family were formerly members here and have returned after many years in the Grand Rapids area. Kristen is originally from San Francisco, California, but now claims Michigan as home. They have been married for 11 years and both enjoy music greatly. Kristen loves to cook and is currently a stay at home housewife. Jon works for Xtend and is interested in many varied things. Kristen shares that her favorite passage of scripture is Psalm 23 and Jon chooses Acts 2:17 & 19 as his. Praise the Lord for both Jon and Kristen's contribution to Life at Lakewood in the areas of music and elsewhere as God calls them. May our prayers be with them this week!


This trio invited each one of us to Give Thanks to God during the First Worship Service on Sunday. Sue P., Esther D., and Sherrie K., blended their voices to create a beautiful musical special. As we approach the Thanksgiving season may we daily "count" our blessings from God!


Maybe this should be called..."Here Comes the Bride!" The Living Stones are preparing for this year's Christmas presentation and as you can includes a wedding! How exciting to see everything come together as each one uses the gifts and talents God has blessed them with. It is also great to have eight new Living Stones as part of this year's program. Shown here in the lower picture are Lizzie D., Sabrina H., Aundrea M., Bryeana L., Brendan L., Alli W. and Nat P. Not shown are Cheyenne H. and Douglas F. The weeks are counting quickly as Dec. 3 and 4 will soon be here!