Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It has been just a little over a year since Rich T. has been attending here at Lakewood. Last month Rich officially joined the church as a member and has been a blessing to all of us. Rich has been a long time resident of this community and has been married for 56 years. He has five children, 13 grandchildren and (by March of 2012) will have 10 great grandchildren. Rich's faith has been an important part of his life and he claimes John 3:16 as his favorite verse. When asked "what brought you to Lakewood?" Rich quickly answers with "friendliness." He was looking for a change of pace and something different than his previous church offered. He knew a lot of people here and decided to give it a try. Lakewood is now his church home and Rich feels a part of the life here. His hobbies include the Lakewood Choral Society of which he has been a member since 1986. He has also collected miniature cars for many years and has amassed quite a collection. Many of these he has given away but still has some special ones. We pray for Rich and his family this week and may God bless them in a special way!

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