Monday, November 21, 2011


These two faces have been a part of Life at Lakewood for many years and have been involved in several areas of service to the Lord. Tom and Marilyn N. have both been here for the better part of their lives. Tom estimates that he has been in the church "60 some years" and Marilyn for at least 45. They have been married for 12 years and between their two families have seven children and fourteen grandchildren. Tom enjoys all kinds of sports and Marilyn's loves are music and baking. Marilyn has played the organ and piano at Lakewood for many years and is more than willing to share her gift at any time. Together Marilyn and Tom carry on the mission project started by Marilyn's mother of making cross bookmarks. These bookmarks are reminders of Christ's gift of life to the world. The bookmarks are given out to many and have traveled around the world proclaiming the message of salvation. Thank you Tom and Marilyn for all you do in the name of Jesus. Pray for this family this week as we continue to encourage each other as the Family of God.

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