Monday, January 2, 2012


These are familiar faces at Lakewood and ones that show the love of Jesus in all they do. Ron and Norine E. have been a part of Life at Lakewood for most of their lives. Ron has been attending Lakewood almost his entire life and Norine has since their marriage almost 52 years ago. Both Ron and Norine have served in many areas of the church and beyond reaching out to others in mission and love. Their faith is a great example to all. When asked what they appreciate most about Lakewood, Norine responds "It's home!" Ron agrees and states that he likes the "connections with the people." They raised their family here at Lakewood which includes three children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Ron worked most of his career for E. W. Bliss (39 years) and then at the Co-Op and the Middle School. Norine worked for the telephone company and then was secretary at the Middle School for 18 years. Recently, Ron and Norine were able to enjoy a cruise with several others in their family. They enjoyed the relaxation and worry free time away plus the music, shows and other cruise activities were a highlight. What a blessing Ron and Norine are to many here at Lakewood...may God bless them as they bless others!

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