Monday, January 30, 2012


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 May God's love flow through your heart this week reminding you of His gift of life!


Our families at Lakewood are a wonderful gift from God. Tammy, Scott and Logan P. are one of the families that are part of our church. Missing from the picture are Emily and David. This family has been a part of Lakewood for over 17 years. After the birth of their first son, David, Tammy and Scott wanted to be part of a local church. Seeking a United Methodist church they found Lakewood and have been an important part ever since. Tammy and Scott have been married for a little over 20 years and have raised their children at Lakewood. Scott drives truck for 4 Reasons Transport and his hobbies include trucking and fishing. Tammy is a stay at home mom and loves to scrap book and is involved in Zumba. David is away at school and Emily and Logan are involved in the youth and children's programs of the church. They have all been involved in many areas of the church and are willing and dedicated workers. Praise the Lord for all our families and a special blessing on each one.


Izzy sure looks excited about the Super Bowl Party that will take place this coming Sunday. It is going to be a great time for everyone with games, contests, food and LOTS of fun. It will be during the pre-game time from 4-6 p.m. There will not be regular King's Club or Youth Group that night so come on out and join in!


Special music was really special this week as Erik M. shared his voice in song. With a little bit of a country "twang" Erik's message was simple and direct....Me and God. What a blessing to have a young man stand up and share his faith....may God be praised through all that we do in Worship each week at Lakewood!


The Outreach Team was at it again and those Apple Dumplings looked mighty fine! The kitchen was bustling as 80 apple dumplings were assembled as a "gift of love" for special friends in our church and community. The work went quickly and deliveries were assigned....may God use this simple outreach to share His love to others.


The Youth did a great job with the Spaghetti Supper this past week! The food was great and everything seemed to run smoothly. It was a good crowd and over $1300.00 was raised toward the Winter Retreat. The Youth will be participating in this retreat at Camp Barakel in Northern Michigan. Pray for our Youth as they grow in the Lord and may this retreat bring many closer to Him!


A new session of Centershot Ministry has started at Lakewood! This class is aimed at 6-8 graders and is a smaller group. All the class is not pictured here but those that are have some pretty big smiles. It is a great experience to witness each one improve their archery skills and learn God's Word together. Pray for these students as they build their lives in Christ.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Jesus said..."Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." May God open our hearts and eyes to see those who need His salvation and then empower us to share the message of His love and grace!


Everyone was greeted by this cheery couple as we entered the church this week. Wes and Connie M. were the morning greeters and are involved in many areas here at Lakewood. Both are willing and energetic as they share their faith through mission, service and outreach. Wes and Connie first came to Lakewood a little over twelve years ago. They were attracted by the opportunities Lakewood offered for their children as they sought to raise them in God's love. They have been married for 16 years and they clarify that by saying 16 "wonderful years." They have three children and one grandaughter. Connie works for Amway and enjoys photography in her leisure. Wes is employed at Hastings Mutual and finds relaxation in gardening. May God bless Wes and Connie and their family as they continue to be a blessing to others here at Lakewood.


Gail and Clay caught our attention Sunday morning as they came forward armed with a hoe! Representing the Mission Committee they shared the need for a tractor for the Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization. An offering will be taken next Sunday to help this cause and help the people of Sudan farm more land and raise more food for themselves. This is a great opportunity to reach out with God's love around the world.....may He bless this project and provide a tractor for this mission.


Just couldn't resist this photo! Kurt and Abby were enjoying a "moment" during the Fellowship Time and what better place to connect with your own family than within the Family of God! Families are a special gift and our prayers are needed for families, marriages, children and parents. May God bless our families as we grow in His love!


Special music was very special this week as Sue, Esther and Sherry shared their gifts and talents with us. Lakewood is very blessed with so many talented people and what better way to praise the Lord than with those gifts! And don't forget Janice who was on the piano.....thank you to ALL who share in so many ways.

Monday, January 16, 2012


"O Lord, You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, You perceive my thoughts from afar." Psalm 139:1-2 Even though no one would want to sit on this bench....praise the Lord that He knows all things!


Amongst the many faces at Lakewood you will find Allen and Joyce W. This couple many times are found in the "behind the scenes" activity but are greatly involved in ministry at Lakewood. Allen and Joyce first came to Lakewood in 2003 as a result of being invited by a neighbor. It was close to their home and as they visited they felt welcomed and included. Joyce is originally from the Muir area and Allen grew up in Woodbury (not many people can say that!). Their strong and committed faith to Christ is shown in both Allen and Joyce's attitude and daily lives. Their love for others is shown as they serve through missions and outreach programs of our church. They can always be found making soap, cooking and delivering meals and sharing God's love in many ways. Joyce enjoys cooking, biking and flea markets. Allen also enjoys Joyce's cooking and has a passion for trains. What a blessing this couple is to so many here at Lakewood...may God bless them too in a very special way!


Many have noticed that we have a new drummer as part of the Praise and Worship Team here at Lakewood. Meet Andy E........he has been sharing his talent here for some time and has a great God given talent and ability. Andy is a 2005 graduate of Lakewood High School and is from the Woodland area. He is currently living in Lansing and commutes to be with us here at Lakewood. Thank you to all who share in this ministry and if you get a chance introduce yourself to Andy!


There is so much going on at Lakewood it is hard to keep up with it all! That is a great thing! Did you know that once a month there is a Blood Pressure Screening? It is a great service and available to anyone. Elaine B. volunteers each month and provides this needed service. Steve was a good sport and was cornered to have his checked and of course get his picture taken too! Thank you Elaine for helping out in this special ministry.


Isn't this a great picture?!!! The children were at Bible Blast and were told to close their eyes as part of the peeking!! Josiah covers his eyes with his hands, Charlie never does close his eyes, Justin leads the group with eyes shut and intent on the lesson and Jessica is counting her money (at least it looks like it!). Reminds us of how we as adults respond to the things we hear in church.....which one are you most like?? Hmmmmmm!!!!!


Those SHOCKING and SCANDOULOUS stories continue to be told at Youth Group every Sunday! (Well.....they are from the Bible!) This week Jake brought forth the story of the beheading of John the Baptist and that is pretty shocking! Peer pressure was the real message and a super group of youth were on hand to share in it. There is something new and different each week as Jake and a great group of adult volunteers work to reach out to our youth!


The King's Club was all on board Sunday night as they continue to discover God's love. Each week an "Engineer" for the day is selected to help get things rolling. This week Elaina T. was the Engineer and she did a great job of getting everyone excited and involved. King's Club is a great place for our children to build a foundation for their future...keep praying for each one!


It was a BUSY place at Lakewood this past week-end.......a great goup of girls gathered here for a Chrysalis Flight. This 3 day retreat focuses on a concentrated time of spiritual growth and provides an atmosphere for many life changing experiences. Several from Lakewood worked during this Flight and participated in many ways. Shown above are workers preparing for a meeting and those gathered for the special Candlelight Service on Sunday evening. Pray for the girls that felt the transforming work of Jesus in their lives and that each one will continue to grow in His love.

Monday, January 9, 2012


"But do not forget this one thing dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." II Peter 3:8-9 Time goes by so quickly......and it is now you realize that the new wing here at Lakewood is no longer "new" it is 10 years old already! Praise the Lord that He has all time and every day within His hands!


The children's sermon this week shared the thought that God can see our hearts. This picture shows the smiles of the children, it shows what they are wearing and where they are but it can't show what is in their hearts. But, God knows! He desires to fill our hearts with His love, peace and salvation. Pray that our children (and all of us) continue to hear, learn and accept the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. (Aren't their smiles awesome!!!)


The Adult Sunday School Class began a new study in the Book of Luke. Everyone is encouraged to get involved as we discover together the Good News. There is a good amount of enthusiasm as we begin this student even has purchased her own study book on awesome is that?!!! Come join in on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.


It was a great start with a good group of youth this past Sunday night. Jake continued his focus on SCANDALOUS STORIES FROM THE BIBLE and got things started for the New Year. There is always something new happening in the youth room and in each of their lives. Pray for the youth as they discover God's path for their lives. And......can you have a group of youth together without snacks???? They looked really good this week too!!! YUMMMMMMM


What a great Sunday night as 38 children gathered for our first meeting of King's Club for 2012. There was lots of excitement as we got reorganized and looked forward to all that will be happening each week. The Engineer is off on an adventure and has instructed us to pick an Engineer for the Day every week. Carson R. was this week's engineer! We continue to study God's Word each week and focus on learning the Books of the least that's our goal!!


The students that recently completed the Centershot Archery Session were recognized this past Sunday during the First Service. Abby, Jada and Logan were a part of the 13 that participated in the eight week course. What a blessing to see each one and their families as we shared this accomplishment. May God continue to lead each one as they grow in His love.

Monday, January 2, 2012


"A man ought to examine himself befor he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup." I Corinthians 11:28 As we begin the New Year of 2012 may we examine and prepare ourselves for ALL that God has in store for us. May His peace surround your lives as we seek His guidance and strength!


These are familiar faces at Lakewood and ones that show the love of Jesus in all they do. Ron and Norine E. have been a part of Life at Lakewood for most of their lives. Ron has been attending Lakewood almost his entire life and Norine has since their marriage almost 52 years ago. Both Ron and Norine have served in many areas of the church and beyond reaching out to others in mission and love. Their faith is a great example to all. When asked what they appreciate most about Lakewood, Norine responds "It's home!" Ron agrees and states that he likes the "connections with the people." They raised their family here at Lakewood which includes three children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Ron worked most of his career for E. W. Bliss (39 years) and then at the Co-Op and the Middle School. Norine worked for the telephone company and then was secretary at the Middle School for 18 years. Recently, Ron and Norine were able to enjoy a cruise with several others in their family. They enjoyed the relaxation and worry free time away plus the music, shows and other cruise activities were a highlight. What a blessing Ron and Norine are to many here at Lakewood...may God bless them as they bless others!


It's the New Year and time for the January Newsletter! The monthly newsletter is one of the main means of communication for Life at Lakewood. The e-newsletter, prayer chain and weekly bulletin also help in this area. Make sure to pick up your newsletter and if you do not receive it and would like to please let us know. Ken M. has his in hand and ready to discover all the great things happening at Lakewood!


What better place to make connections, friends and build relationships than in the church?!! We are called to encourage and strengthen one another and as we grow in His grace we grow together. Now, this looks like Sandy is telling a really good story but we are sure that she is giving some great encouragement to Jo and Deb.


Sunday morning treats are a highlight for many each week. Ellie and Claire B. get in line to make their choice. Isn't it amazing when we look at God's Word how many times Jesus' ministry was associated with a meal and food! May God use the simple tool of snacks and fellowship at Lakewood to build His Kingdom!