Monday, November 28, 2011


"Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1 May the lights of the Christmas season remind each of us that HE is the LIGHT of our lives!


It is always encouraging when you see Sandy J.'s great smile. Sandy is a regular at Lakewood and has been an active part for over 34 years. She has been a great blessing to many as she shares gives of herself in many ways. Sandy loves the fellowship with other people and says that what she loves best about Lakewood is that people "know you and still love you!" Currently, Sandy is serving as the Respite Coordinator and leads this group most every week. Her gentle spirit touches each one as she provides love and care. Sandy has three children and three grandchildren who inspire her life every day. She is retired now and enjoys light sewing and quilting......well.....she started two baby quilts 27 years ago and one is completed!!! She also makes baskets, embroiders and volunteers wherever she is able. Sandy's fondest Christmas memory is when she received a Bride Doll as a gift. She had this for many years and proudly displayed it until it was stolen. Thank you Sandy for all you do at Lakewood! May God bless you and all your family!


On Sunday we gathered together as the Family of God and as we worshipped Him a candle was lit. The first candle of four as we celebrate the season of Advent and prepare for Christmas Day. Christmas carols, scripture and the message all focused on the Advent of our blessed we are at Lakewood as we share in this special time of year.


There was LOTS of activity at Lakewood last week as preparations were underway for the Thanksgiving Dinner. Volunteers baked pies, popped corn, cooked food, set up tables and were ready for the big day! A great turn out and many deliveries to others provided a good meal and good fellowship. Thank you to all who were a part of this awesome project. We have so much to be thankful for!

Monday, November 21, 2011


'Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever." Psalm 100:4-5 May your heart be filled with THANKS for all the goodness God has given you......Happy Thanksgiving....Gobble, Gobble!


These two faces have been a part of Life at Lakewood for many years and have been involved in several areas of service to the Lord. Tom and Marilyn N. have both been here for the better part of their lives. Tom estimates that he has been in the church "60 some years" and Marilyn for at least 45. They have been married for 12 years and between their two families have seven children and fourteen grandchildren. Tom enjoys all kinds of sports and Marilyn's loves are music and baking. Marilyn has played the organ and piano at Lakewood for many years and is more than willing to share her gift at any time. Together Marilyn and Tom carry on the mission project started by Marilyn's mother of making cross bookmarks. These bookmarks are reminders of Christ's gift of life to the world. The bookmarks are given out to many and have traveled around the world proclaiming the message of salvation. Thank you Tom and Marilyn for all you do in the name of Jesus. Pray for this family this week as we continue to encourage each other as the Family of God.


This year's Annual Ron Wierenga Cookie Walk was a great success.....praise the Lord! Over $1700.00 was raised toward the Mission Fund and it was good too! There were cookies of every kind and it was hard to choose your favorite! Thank you to all involved in making this a wonderful project to support many various missions.


What are these two up to?? Franky and Owen play the mischievous characters of Mike and Ike in this year's Living Stones presentation of "NEVER GONNA BE THE SAME." Kara portrays Liz in the play and seems to have a difficult time dealing with these two. Make sure to be a part of this holiday tradition on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m.


It is amazing how many different groups, studies and times of prayer take place within Life at Lakewood. There are lots of opportunities to discover more and grow in one's faith. Perry S. leads a small group on Sunday night and a few of this group are shown above. The New Year is quickly approaching and maybe this would be a good time to start discovering new things through Christ. Contact Pastor Dave or the church office to find out how you can get plugged in!


Things are beginning to look a LOT like Christmas around Lakewood! Last Tuesday Beckie F. loaded up the van with 87 filled shoeboxes for Operation Shoebox. These will be delivered around the world and our prayers go with them. May the Good News of Jesus Christ be shared! The Christmas Tree is filling up in the Gathering Room too! It is draped with mittens, scarves, gloves and hats all destined for the Lakewood Community Christmas Basket project. What a blessing to be able to share in this way in our own community. Thank you and praise the Lord!

Monday, November 14, 2011


"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
May God's Word stand firm in your heart today!


It is a wonderful blessing to walk into Lakewood and see so many new faces. Among those faces are Jon and Kristen H. Jon and Kristen have worshipped at Lakewood since moving to this area over a year ago. Jon's family were formerly members here and have returned after many years in the Grand Rapids area. Kristen is originally from San Francisco, California, but now claims Michigan as home. They have been married for 11 years and both enjoy music greatly. Kristen loves to cook and is currently a stay at home housewife. Jon works for Xtend and is interested in many varied things. Kristen shares that her favorite passage of scripture is Psalm 23 and Jon chooses Acts 2:17 & 19 as his. Praise the Lord for both Jon and Kristen's contribution to Life at Lakewood in the areas of music and elsewhere as God calls them. May our prayers be with them this week!


This trio invited each one of us to Give Thanks to God during the First Worship Service on Sunday. Sue P., Esther D., and Sherrie K., blended their voices to create a beautiful musical special. As we approach the Thanksgiving season may we daily "count" our blessings from God!


Maybe this should be called..."Here Comes the Bride!" The Living Stones are preparing for this year's Christmas presentation and as you can includes a wedding! How exciting to see everything come together as each one uses the gifts and talents God has blessed them with. It is also great to have eight new Living Stones as part of this year's program. Shown here in the lower picture are Lizzie D., Sabrina H., Aundrea M., Bryeana L., Brendan L., Alli W. and Nat P. Not shown are Cheyenne H. and Douglas F. The weeks are counting quickly as Dec. 3 and 4 will soon be here!


It is an encouragement when someone is brave enough to step forward and share their faith and life experiences. Sunday night at Youth Gabe S. volunteered to relate his story. It was an inspiring time and touched many hearts. Thank you Gabe and to others who are willing to tell others how God has worked in their lives. Great things are taking place every Sunday night...make sure to get involved as our youth grow in their faith.


The KeenAgers were at it again! Last Tuesday 16 seniors enjoyed lunch at IHOP and then to the movies at Celebration Cinema. It was a great time as they were the only ones in the theater...kind of like a private showing! The movie was "Courageous" and was an excellent story with a strong Christian message. Many left with a few tears in their eyes as it was an emotional and heartfelt movie. Overall, lots of fun and fellowship made the day....even though John got turned around and had to go around the block a couple times.....the KeenAgers always have a great time!


It just warmed everyone's hearts as so many babies and adults came forward to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ a week ago Sunday. What a special moment as each one confessed their belief in Christ and were baptised in the faith. And......not even any cries out of the babies! Praise the Lord for this great day!


Sunday, November 6, witnessed a wonderful group of new members joining the Body of Christ here at Lakewood. It was truly an inspiring time as the front of the church was filled with those seeking to make a committment to membership. May God bless each one as they continue to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Spaghetti and Meatballs!

Sunday lunch last week was great as can be seen here! Esther and Jake enjoyed the meal and the time sharing with others. Thanks to the crew that prepares lunch each month for this special time. There will not be a lunch in December so we will look forward to 2012!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If this doesn't get you in the mood for Christmas what will??? It was exciting Sunday night as the King's Club children packed boxes for Operation Shoebox. There was energy in the air as each one selected items to put in a box for either a boy or girl. Each group then wrapped their boxes and prepared them for shipping. After singing Jingle Bells and Away in the Manger the children piled them high waiting for next week's Blessing of the Boxes!