Tuesday, July 26, 2011


God is still in the miracle business! The Living Stones ministered at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission by donating new clothing and deodorant.....we were prepared for this! But, when we arrived at the Mission we asked what they were in desperate need of on that day. We had just been to Wal-Mart to purchase clothing, etc. but were not prepared for what they asked us for!
The lady at the desk said...."We need five cases of bottled water." It was extremely hot and there was a need for water to pass out to the homeless that day. While we were at Wal-Mart the adults had purchased items for a picnic lunch for our group later. Guess what we had in the van? Five cases of bottled water!!!!! We did not need this water and wondered WHY we had purchased it???? God knew and we delivered what was NEEDED that day to the Rescue Mission. What a blessing we all received. Praise the Lord!

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