Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 May God bless America!


The goal was 200 Baskets of Love......and it's almost there! So many have donated baskets and items to fill them....what a blessing. Pray that as we distribute these baskets that lives will be touched and respond to the invitation to join us this Sunday. May God's love be shared in all we do!


It was a great week of growth, ministry, sharing and fun! The Living Stones spent last week in Hendersonville NC as their summer trip. So much happened and all agreed it was a great experience. The following posts share some of the highlights of that time. Pray for the Living Stones as we look forward to the fall and lots of new opportunities to share about our Lord Jesus!


A great day of sharing and ministry was spent by the Living Stones at Camp Tekoa. The group worked with the Day Camp program and the Adventure Group which was about 50 elementary children. The children loved the puppets and the time that we shared together. Ice Cream ended the day and the Stones were given a tour of the camp grounds. It was awesome to share the Good News of Jesus....the children had been studying the topic of salvation and the program fit perfectly with that theme. The performance also introduced two new members of the Living Stones.....Chip and Emma Jo....ask any Living Stone who these new members are!


God is still in the miracle business! The Living Stones ministered at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission by donating new clothing and deodorant.....we were prepared for this! But, when we arrived at the Mission we asked what they were in desperate need of on that day. We had just been to Wal-Mart to purchase clothing, etc. but were not prepared for what they asked us for!
The lady at the desk said...."We need five cases of bottled water." It was extremely hot and there was a need for water to pass out to the homeless that day. While we were at Wal-Mart the adults had purchased items for a picnic lunch for our group later. Guess what we had in the van? Five cases of bottled water!!!!! We did not need this water and wondered WHY we had purchased it???? God knew and we delivered what was NEEDED that day to the Rescue Mission. What a blessing we all received. Praise the Lord!


From climbing Chimney Rock to the different group building challenges the Living Stones focused on the theme "Go Up!" The theme was taken from Haggai where God sent a message to the people telling them to "Go Up" the mountain. God meets us in mountain top experiences with a desire to change our lives.....then when we go back down we are prepared to live each day with Him as our strength. Lots of lessons were learned from this message.....pray that God will continue to call us to Go Up to Him!


On Saturday night of the Living Stones trip we honored the five seniors of the group. A great banquet and special time of sharing was held at the Seasons Restaurant at Highland Lake Inn in Hendersonville NC. Mahrley, Ashley, Ian, Brooke and Nan were the honored guests and will be missed greatly by ALL the Living Stones. Thank you to these five for all they have done for the cause of Christ!

Monday, July 18, 2011


"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.....how much more will He clothe you....do not worry!"
Luke 12:27-29


Two new doors are on the Youth Room....they look kind of WHITE right now but thinking a new coat of paint is on its way! New doors.....new stuff coming for all Junior and Senior High Youth. Make sure to mark down August 7 for Tubing.......and August 27 for a day at Michigan Adventure. Watch for the Youth Newsletter soon and more details. We're gearing up for a great fall so be a part of the fun now!!!


A time of sharing, fellowship and growing closer in the Lord was shared at this year's LUMC Family Camp held at Lakeview Camp. Lots of great things took place but the greatest was just being with other Christians in God's great nature. The Saturday night potluck dinner was enjoyed by all and the kids loved the popsicles for dessert! Thanks to Amy and anyone else who helped organize this fun time.


It was an AWESOME week at Kid's Camp.....and since the photograper of this blog was at camp there will be LOTS of pictures of camp this week! There were 40 kids who soaked in all the JOY there was as we celebrated Christmas. Every day held new adventures as we relived the birth of Christ. What a great group of kids, teens and adults....praise the Lord for ALL He did during this great week.


What fun it was to decorate Christmas Trees in the middle of the summer! We even had snow on the trees! Kid's Camp was focused on the JOY of Christmas and each group decorated their own tree with a special theme. It was especially fun at night when all the trees were lit up and the camp ground looked ready to celebrate!


It was a special moment as Chad, Kendra and Kiersten helped the kids at camp to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday. The kids reenacted the Christmas story complete with cows, sheeep, camels, donkeys, angels, shepherds, wise men and who knows what else! Each group traveled to the manger as Inn Keeper Peg told them there was no room in the Inn. How meaningful it was as the baby played with the children and added a touch of reality to the atmosphere. It was a great time and prepared us for a wonderful Wednesday night service where several found salvation and many made recomittments to Jesus. What JOY there was at Kid's Camp!


The food was great at Kid's Camp.....even the hot dog roast at the beach was mmmmm good! It was quite a sight to see Beth grilling high up in the bed of the truck. We thought she should drive the truck from camp site to camp site selling hot dogs....might be a great fund raiser. Thanks to the cooks and helpers at camp. It was a lot of hard work but we sure enjoyed it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"The Lord is my ROCK, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my ROCK, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:2

May God be the strength of your life this week!

(Did you know that this rock came from the foundation of a building in New York? Dave M. rescued it and brought it back here on one of the trips with the Living Stones.)


One of our goals at Lakewood is to try to extend a Christian greeting and welcome to each person here. Not just a handshake....but an open and warm atmosphere that shares the love of Jesus with everyone. Our greeters are at the door each week and small groups, classes and other activities help build relationships. We encourage everyone to get involved and if you are not sure how please let us know.....we want YOU to feel a part of Life at Lakewood!


The Fourth of July was a great celebration as we worshipped and praised God for ALL our freedoms. The Sunday morning service included patriotic music, pledges and a message focused on this theme. The service was closed with prayer...thanking God for our freedoms and asking His blessing on our nation, leaders and military. Praise the Lord for His blessings on our country and in our lives.


What a beautiful sight as the many flowers, plants and bushes continue to blosoom and bloom throughout the summer. God has blessed us with His awesome creation and I just couldnt' resist taking a picture of something so beautiful!


The Living Stones gathered at the home of Sandi and Brent for a time to cool off! It was a great evening of relaxation and energy as the water fun was the focus. The Living Stones are preparing for their summer trip later in July to Hendersonville, NC. A time of prayer for this mission was shared together and prayers offered for those who were also on the Youth Mission Trip to Marquette.


It was time for SUNDAY LUNCH this week and the menu was perfect....Sub Sandwiches! The kitchen crew had everything ready for this time to share and meet new friends. At Lakewood we never go hungry and the first Sunday of each month consists of feeding our souls spiritually as we share in Holy Communion and then feasting together as the Body of Christ for lunch. Come and join us soon!


We continue to fill the table with Baskets of Love to help promote the BALLOON BLAST which is coming soon on July 31! The goal is 200 baskets and we are almost at 50! Many took baskets to fill this week so we are anticipating a big increase this week. These baskets will be distributed to many in hopes that they will join us for a great time of worship and praise. If you need a basket to fill drop by and pick one up!