Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Congratulations to the Lakewood Class of 2013!!  May God bless you as you step into the next chapter of your lives!  A special recognition of the graduates from LUMC was held this past Sunday.  Ten graduates were recognized and prayed for.  What a blessing to have such a fine group of young people from our church!  Those recognized were: David P., Kyler K., Dylan D., Erik M., Brett F., Skyler C., Andy A., Cody D., and Zack E. (not pictured but present was Jenna B.).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This past Sunday night the Living Stones shared in ministry here at Lakewood.  It was inspiring to witness our youth share their faith through puppetry, dance and music.  The Stones are preparing for their summer trip to Nebraska and seek our prayers.  May God be praised as this group goes out and shares His love with many.


It was a great time as a group of eight traveled to Branson MO last week.  What a blessing to share together with Christian friends in growth, fun and adventure.  The five day trip included the Dutton Family Show and the production of Joseph at the Sight and Sound Theater.  There were many other "surprises" and LOTS of good eating!!!  The group studied the story of Joseph during our time together and explored God's Word concerning our character.  Rumor has it that plans are already in progress for next year's trip!!