Monday, March 25, 2013


Around the world and here at Lakewood we observed Palm Sunday this week.  As we sang Hosanna, Loud, Hosanna, each one came forward waving palm branches and praising God.  May our hearts and minds be focused on all that this week reminds us of.....and praise God for His Son Jesus Christ!


Children's Sermon is always a time of learning...not only for the kids but for everyone!  This Sunday the lesson was on love and especially on God's love!  May each of us share that love this week as we remember Christ's gift of life on the cross!


It was an awesome night at King's Club as the Woodland and Lake Odessa Fire Departments visited!  Even Nozzle the Dalmatian came to help the children learn about fire safety.  It was great to watch as the children explored the fire trucks and listen to the safety talks given by the firemen.  This was a great way to end this year's King's Club......can't wait to see what happens in the fall!

Monday, March 18, 2013


The King's Club had LOTS of surprises Sunday night as we had many visitors from the animal kingdom!  Among the crowd were chicks, a goat, lambs and "Jackson" the dog!  It was great to watch the children interact with the animals by petting them, feeding them and just loving them.  God is an awesome God and what fun to share in His creation!


The children from King's Club sang for special music this week.....some are a blur as each song had lots of actions!  The children love to sing and express themselves....may we  have a childlike heart as we come each week to worship!!


Congratulations to Ryan K., Robbie O., Gage D., Emily P., and Danielle K. as they became members here at Lakewood UM!  Each one has participated in a youth membership class where the basics of Christianity were learned.  Each one desired to become members and were welcomed by Lay Leader Perry S. and Pastor Dave.  Pray for these youth as they witness of their faith each day.


It was great to have three come before the church this Sunday seeking Baptism!  Gage D., Kimberly C. and Mel M. all professed their faith in Jesus Christ and were baptised into the faith.  Pray for each one as they experience God's love in each of their lives.


The King's Club kids keep bringing food and money to help our project with Manna's Market!  How awesome is that?!!  The 4th and 5th grade class is leading the effort and last week they went to Carl's to purchase more food!  They will be delivering the food next week and we continue to pray for God to bless it as we share with others in need.


The youth at Lakewood have fun, eat great snacks and plug into times of study and growth!  Have you seen the new FLATSCREEN in the youth room?  What a great addition to help our youth learn more as they explore their walk with Christ.  May God continue to bless the youth as they grow in Him!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Tuesday mornings are always full of surprises at Respite.  This week Julie D. with Claire and Ellie too brought a young lamb to visit.  The Respite Crew loved the lamb and were excited with the visit.  It was a lot of fun to see each one's reactions and to share this special creation of God's!  The Respite program continues to meet each Tuesday with many varied activities, special treats and good lunches too!! 


What a fun time the kids had at King's Club this week!  It was movie night and Evan Almighty was the movie.  Forty children and their families came on out to share this special night.  Popcorn, pop and candy helped to make the night even more fun!  There is LOTS of excitement at King's Club each week.....praise the Lord!


It was a busy day at Lakewood this past Sunday!  Worship....lunch and fellowship and then a Congregational Meeting.  It was a good time of exchanging thoughts and ideas.  As we continue to pray and grow together may we follow God's leading in all we do!

Somebody help Rudy!

The youth presented a short skit Sunday morning as they shared the upcoming topic for their next meeting.  Rudy did a great job as an "old" man but the choice to help him wasn't so easy.  There are lots of great things happening in the youth program.....make sure to check them out!