Monday, February 25, 2013


It was a super sudsy night as the youth group learned how to make soap for Manna's Market.  Thanks to Joyce and Allen and Ron and Norine who explained how the soap is made and then had the youth pitch in and make a batch.  After mixing and bottling the soap was then delivered to Manna's Market.  Thanks youth for helping out and reaching out to others in need! 


The Annual Living Stones Awards Banquet was held last week with a great turn out!  The Living Stones and their families gathered to honor the group and share together plans for the future.  There are three members of the group that are seniors this year:  Andy A., Zack E., and Cody D.  These three young men were each given the Outstanding Livng Stone Award of 2013 and each received a Living Stones Scholarship for the education.   They have been an important part of the Living Stones and each one will be missed greatly. 

Monday, February 18, 2013


Congratulations to Dale and Nancy C. as they celebrate their 60th Wedding Annivesary.  Cake was shared at this week's fellowship hour in honor of the happy couple.  It is a great testimony to witness those in our midst who have been married and give God the credit for all He has done in their lives.  May God continue to bless Dale and Nancy for many years.


Twelve youth participated in the first week of the Generation Change classes.  These classes are designed to help sudents learn financial principles that will guide them throughout their lives.  Josh and Abby M. are leading these sessions and providing a great opportunity for our youth.  The nine week class will continue into the spring.

BAKED POTATO SUPPER was good!  The Baked Potato Supper last week raised approximately $1600.00 for the benefit of Manna's Market.  It was great to see the Fellowship Hall filled and so many support this local mission.  Thank you to all involved as the Outreach Team and Mission Committee worked together to sponsor this cause.  Our prayers are with Manna's Market as they feed and care for many.


One of the ministries that reaches out to many is the shawls/afghans that are given to those who are sick or have a special need.  This project is led by Jo W. and continues to make shawls by the dozens.  These shown were distributed this week and used to share God's love.  Be in prayer for the many in our community who need a touch from God....may God bless each one as they receive these gifts of love.


The Keenagers had a small but enthusiastic group travel to Grand Ledge for lunch at Sweet Linda's Cafe last week.  It was a fun time as we tried a new spot.  AND.....there was homemade pie......who could resist?  Watch for more events with the Keenagers coming up soon.....they are a wild bunch!


The winter session of the Centershot Ministry is well underway!  Twelve students are enrolled in the program that combines the skills of archery with the study of God's Word.  There are two classes with beginners and advanced students.  It is awesome to watch each one grow in their abilities and desire to know God.  Thanks to Mrs. O., Mr. P. and Mr. C. for all their dedication and work in leading this special group!

Monday, February 11, 2013


King's Club was the place to be this week as EVERYTHING WAS RED!!  The children (and adults too!) dressed in red, our snack was red, the games had red.....what fun!  Our study of Noah continues each week as we learn how God desires to save ALL of us.  Watch out because next week is pajama night....and we are going to JAM!


It was a great week-end for 25 youth at Lakewood!  Starting on Saturday at 2:17 p.m. the two day youth retreat included tubing, devotions, an extreme snowball fight and hours of good times!  It was great to have Ben S. share devotions at midnight and there was plenty of ice cream and snacks to keep the energy level high!  We hear that Brady E. was the only one to actually stay awake the entire time....go Brady!  Praise God for His work in the lives of our youth....keep praying as the grow in His love!

Monday, February 4, 2013


There was lots of snow, lots of laughter and lots of energy as the youth traveled to Hope College this past Saturday.  Our own Laurel M. gave a tour of the college and then to the basketball game.  Hope won! And it was a winning day all around as the youth shared a great time.  Stay plugged in as the youth continue to schedule some great upcoming events and times of Christian growth!


It was an awesome time at King's Club as we enjoyed some Pre-Game Fun!  The focus of our time was that we "Press on toward the Goal!"  For JESUS!!!!  Games, food and excitement made the time go quickly!  Thank you to all who helped and we can't wait for next week!!!  Don't forget EVERYTHING IS RED!!!!!  Make sure to wear red, bring red and be red!!!!!!