Tuesday, May 29, 2012


"Taste and SEE that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."  Psalm 34:8  It probably wouldn't be a good idea to "taste" these flowers but we certainly can SEE that the Lord is good in so many ways.  May His goodness fill your hearts today!


Do their ties give you any hint that these two are somewhat patriotic?  Jack T. and Roger B. both were sporting the red, white and blue on Sunday.  What a blessing we have have for the Freedom we share here in the United States.  Thank you Lord!


You could tell that summer is here just by what everyone was wearing this past Sunday!  Harrison M. and Brady E. were staying "COOL" with shorts and a cold drink.  Life at Lakewood is casual and everyone is encouraged to "come as you are!"  Join us each Sunday this summer (there is air conditioning) as we Praise the Lord together.


As we observed Memorial Day a candle was lit in memory of loved ones who have passed away this last year.  Almost 30 candles were lit as the list was read.  Thanks be to God for the memories we share and thanks to Him for His peace and strength.  Jesus is the LIGHT of the world!

Monday, May 21, 2012


"I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands."  Psalm 63:4  May our hands, hearts and lives be lifted up to God this week as we give ourselves daily to Him.


It was a special day as we honored our graduates from the Class of 2012.  Five graduates were present and were presented with a gift from our church with a prayer of blessing as they step into the future.  Their beautiful smiles expressed their excitement as each one begins a new chapter of their life.  Those present were Hannah G., Shannon S., Tiffani A., Alexis K., and Mariah D.  May God surround them with His peace, strength and guidance.....CONGRATS GIRLS!


Life at Lakewood happens because of ALL our willing workers.  Thank you to so many who volunteer every week.  Grace B. and others from the Education Committee hosted a great reception for the 2012 graduates.  Team work was evident as each one pitched in to make things run smoothly.  Fred and Gretchen S. prepared the coffee this Sunday (Jan D. just wanted in on the picture!).  It is like a fine tuned machine...thank you Lord for blessing Lakewood in this way!

Monday, May 14, 2012


"The Lord is my ROCK, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my ROCK in whom I take refuge."  Psalm 18:2  Praise God for His strength He gives us daily!  (The quartz rock is a beautiful sample from the collection of Wilber Dye which is now in the gardens here at Lakewood!)


We are going to take a little twist in our "FACES" feature this week as we have a Mother-Son picture for Mother's Day!  Margaret and Wayne M. have been a part of life at Lakewood for many years and have been involved in every area of the church.  They have four children and many grandchildren (plus all the others who call them "grandma and grandpa Marshmallow!).  Their son, Doug and Lois M., are also greatly involved at Lakewood.  Doug and Lois have two children with their oldest getting married this fall.  Lakewood is full of many families and we praise God for Margaret and her son Doug and all the others in their family.  May God bless them greatly!


The morning was a busy one at Lakewood as we gathered together to honor mothers.  Breakfast was at 8 a.m. and many came to share in a wonderful meal.  The menu was filled with many choices and the plates were full (so were our stomachs!).  About 175 came out to enjoy the time of fellowship and time to spend with our mothers and families.  Thank the Lord for the gift of family!


A super big thank you to the crew that prepared the breakfast for this past Sunday!  Frank P. and all the men and boys that helped did a great job.  What a blessing to be able to work together with other Christians as we honor and give thanks for our mothers!  THANK YOU!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


"Jesus did MANY other things as well.  If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."  John 21:25  Praise God for ALL that Jesus did and is doing today......May He do a great work in each of us today!


The Living Stones shared their newest program "With All Our Heart" this past Sunday evening.  A great crowd came out to share this and to celebrate 20 years of ministry of the Stones.  It was awesome to see the current members and past Living Stones as they shared in puppets, music and testimony.  The Living Stones give God the praise for the many opportunities He has given this group.  We can't wait to see the next 20 years!!!


It was time for Sunday Lunch this past week!  The menu included sub sandwiches, salad and dessert and it was good!  What a wonderful time to connect with others in our church and build up the body of Christ.  Thank you to all who make this possible each month.


Ten Keenagers traveled from Michigan to Pennsylvania (and even into Maryland) last week having the time of their lives!  The destination included the musical production of Jonah at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA.  It was an amazing presentation and inspired everyone greatly.  Eating LOTS of food, enjoying the scenery, Bible Studies and plenty of laughter filled the time.  Make sure to ask someone who went because there are some good stories to be told.  God certainly blessed this group with good Christian fellowship, love and growth.