Monday, March 26, 2012


"But GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen." May all of us GROW this week as we seek more of Jesus. (I hope you don't get tired of flower awesome to watch them GROW!)


This week we are featuring one of our happy "engaged" couples! Katie S. and Justin "Jud" W. plan to be married on October 20, 2012, here at Lakewood. It is always exciting to share this special time with new couples and we pray God's blessing as they prepare for their wedding day. Katie grew up here at Lakewood and is blessed with many of her family members as part of this church. Katie and Jud began dating two years ago and have attended here together since that time. Jud's grandpa began calling him "Jud" at a young age and over the years the name has stuck. Katie works for Farmer's Insurance and Jud works at Architectural Metals. They both love to golf (but haven't been out yet this year). Jud is a great cook and Katie likes to enjoy his cooking. What a blessing to see young adults as part of life here at Lakewood. May they be blessed as they continue to grow in the love of Jesus.


This Sunday we recognized six students for their successful completion of the Centershot Program. Nat P., Franky P., Owen E., James M., Robbie O. and Rheegan W. all completed the eight week course including Bible Studies and Archery Skills. It was a great class and all are eager for the advanced class in the fall. Thank you to our instructors for their time and efforts in making Centershot a great program. May God be praised as we build young lives for the future!


Happy faces are on these children as Mrs. D. walks with them down the hallway. What an awesome job our teachers do each week as they share faith in Jesus with our children. Lakewood has classes for all ages as we teach lessons that are Bible based and Christ centered. May God bless our teachers and students as we learn together about His love.


Did you happen to see Ryan M. in his new suit coat?? Ryan was stylin' Sunday morning after he purchased this fashionable piece of clothing at the Rummage Sale on Saturday. He wasn't the only one......rumor has it that Denise P. (aka the "NUMBER LADY") is sporting a new coat! The neighbors have seen her strolling and showing off her unique purchase around their street. Rummage styles are in for 2012!


The Living Stones Rummage Sale is over and these girls were part of the clean up crew. It was a great week-end and a great success. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way! The funds raised will help to finance the Living Stones ministry trip to Chicago this summer. Pray for this group as they prepare to spread the love of Jesus.

Monday, March 19, 2012


The youth had "Talent Night" this Sunday and there was lots of laughs, lots of talent and lots of sharing God's gifts. There was a good variety of talents shared and even some of the adult leaders got in on the act. Jake did a great job of putting the night together and showcasing what God can do when we let Him use us for His glory!


This was the last week for the King's Club to meet.......what a great year it has been! There were 34 children present (the 4 & 5 grades aren't in the picture) and we had a super time of singing, learning, playing and praising the Lord. The children sang the Books of the Bible in the morning worship and did awesome. Thank you to all who have made King's Club a wonderful time this year. May every child continue to grow in the Love of Jesus!


Leah and Aundrea were at the table this week offering cookie dough, soup and subs as a fund raiser for the Living Stones. Owen was there too but just not in this picture! How could anyone resist their beautiful smiles! Thank you to all who continue to support the many projects, missions and outreachs here at Lakewood.


The children and youth who attended Sunday School yesterday all worked together to serve the Lord! At the end of Sunday School the group went outside and picked up trash and debris in the church yard. Many hands made quick work as the trash was sent to the dumpster. Thank you to our young people who gave of themselves to help clean up around the church!

Monday, March 12, 2012


"He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth." Psalm 72:6 Notice the green grass and life that is spring forth in this pool of God waters the earth with a spring rain may He water our hearts with His love!


As we look around the many faces at Lakewood, Paul and Mary Ellen Q. are ones that shine with the love of Jesus. Their faith and example has been a great encouragement to many. When Mary Ellen is asked for her favorite Bible Verse she shares John 3:16 at the top of her list. This couple has been a part of Life at Lakewood since 1974 when they were invited by a co-worker to visit here. After that they say "the rest is history." Both Paul and Mary Ellen have been very involved in every area of the church and have been willing workers for the Lord. They are both retired since 2001 after 30 years in the education field. Mary Ellen taught 3rd and 5th grades and Paul taught High School. Paul also served for about 29 years in the Army Reserves. They have two daughters and three grandchildren. Paul and Mary Ellen love to travel (so we don't see their faces all the time!) and have many other interests. Mary Ellen likes to garden, read and do crossword puzzles. Paul also gardens, collects stamps and coins and has an interest in trains. They are both active and on the move and we praise God for the blessing they are to so many. May God bless them as they continue to spread the love of Jesus in all they do!


"Hey, we get recess at King's Club!" That was what some of the kids were excited about this week at King's Club....the weather was beautiful and it gave us a chance to go outside and play. There were even some who were bare foot!! Spring is just around the corner and the children are anxious for its arrival. It has been a great year at King's Club and hard to believe that the year is almost over....God has been so good!


Just couldn't resist a picture of Ainslee with her dad and....yep....she's got her hands on the money! Well....maybe we put it in her hands....but it was too cute. The only problem is that it doesn't take long for them to grow many remember Josh at that age??!!! Thank God for all our children and may He bless them as they grow in His love.


The Respite Program took a field trip last week and ended up in Charlotte. It was a fun day with a visit to the Goodwill Store and then to KFC!! We think that they had to cook more chicken for this group!!! What a blessing to be able to share the love of Jesus through this special program. God has done great things with this group and we praise Him for His faithfulness.

Monday, March 5, 2012


The youth had an awesome time at Camp Barakel and Jake shares a few pictures of this great time. Jake reports that there was tons of fun and some great chapel times too. Two of our youth gave their hearts to the Lord and several made recomittments. What a great opportunity for the youth to grow in their faith....keep praying for God's leading in their lives.


"Let everything that has breath PRAISE THE LORD!" Psalm 150:6 Spring is almost here and the birds sing His praise......they were lined up all over the edge of the church roof a big choir.....may we too sing His praise today!


Probably one of the busiest places at Lakewood is in the kitchen. There is always something being cooked up (even soap)!! It is one sign of an "alive" is always popular. Praise the Lord for so many willing workers who will to make this happen!!


The pile of treasures is growing as March 24 comes closer! The Living Stones Rummage Sale will be that day from 9-2 and promises to be a big one! If you have never been to this sale it is worth your time just to see it. It is a busy day and one of the main fund raisers for the Stones. Donations are still being accepted so clean our your basement and closets!