Monday, October 31, 2011


"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small mfish, but how far will they go among so many?......Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted." John 6: 9-10 Jesus is our bread of life.....and He offers as much as you want and more!


A newer face at Lakewood is Roger A. Roger has been attending here at Lakewood for a little over six months. He came to Lakewood in search of a place to worship and reconnect with God. He has been involved in the United Methodist Church for a number of years and his faith is evident as he shares his life story. Roger, and his wife Linda, have seven children and fourteen grandchildren. He has a great passion for golf and loves to be out on the greens. It is a great pleasure to have Roger as part of Life at Lakewood and we pray God's blessing on him and his family as we grow together in the Lord.


What a great job the youth did as they worked together to give the children of the church an AWESOME Fall Carnival! Jake and his helpers had everything organized and the youth put it all into action. There was fun all day as each one jumped in to do his part. When we work together we please the Lord.....thank you YOUTH for your great example!


There were lots of smiles and even more fun this Sunday as over 70 children came to participate in this year's Fall Carnival. The games, prizes and food filled the church with surprises at every turn. Many of the children (and even some adults) had costumes of all kinds. Butterflies seemed to be a popular theme with several but there was a great variety! Isn't it great that we can have fun as the Family of God!


Who looks forward to Dave's stories more? The children or the adults? You just never know what he will have to tell us during Children's Sermon...but...there usually is a great message! The Children's Sermon is an important part of our worship at Lakewood as we strive to reach all ages and to share the message of Jesus with all. Thank you to all who work hard to make this a vital aspect of our time together.


It was an awesome beginning for the new Centershot Ministry which began last Tuesday. Fifteen children began the eight week session learning the basics of archery. What a blessing to see their eager faces ready to tackle this new adventure. The Bible Study focused on the lesson of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man and emphasized our need to be wise in building a strong foundation. Pray for these children as they explore this challenge and build their lives on Christ.

Monday, October 24, 2011


"You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.....endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus." II Timothy 2:1,3 May God give you the victory you need in your life this week through Jesus Christ!


"Authenticity" is what attracted Rudy and Christin O. to Lakewood a little over 5 years ago. Both of them noted that it is truly "being part of a family" and that God's love is shown in so many ways. Rudy has been involved as the Senior High Sunday School Teacher and has worked with our youth over the years. He has organized several youth mission trips here at Lakewood. Christin has taught Junior High Sunday School and also Senior High with Rudy. Christin volunteers at King's Club and is currently one of the Centershot Instructors. They have three children: Robbie, Matt and Lizzie. Rudy has lots of interests and enjoys mind puzzles and challenging board games. Christin gardens and cans and freezes much of the produce. When asked what their favorite flavor of ice cream is....Rudy loves vanilla with fruit topping and chocolate sauce....Christin sticks with good old chocolate! Rudy and Christin are a super part of the Lakewood family and we pray God's blessing on them this week!


CENTERSHOT begins this week! We are excited here at Lakewood as God has made it possible to offer this opportunity to the children of our church. Abby S. stands ready to learn about archery and God's plan of eternal life. Fourteen are signed up to begin this adventure and your prayers are needed as we explore this new ministry.


Wendy and Jennifer check out the new church directory during Fellowship Time this past Sunday. The directories arrived last week and are available at the church. It has been 6 years since the last one and so many changes have taken place. Of course, none of us like to see our own picture, but isn't it fun to check out all the others! Thank you to those who worked on this project.....great job!


Did you know that the emphasis for all of the children's programs this year at Lakewood is to learn the Books of the Bible? The children have been working hard and Sarah is going over this at Blast Off each week. God's Word teaches us about His love and the better we know how to use it the more we can learn about Him. I know all the Books of the Bible? Good question!


Those snacks look finger lickin good! Each week the youth close their fellowship time with snacks and sharing. What a great job Wendy B. and her crew do to make this a special time. What a blessing for the youth to be fed both spiritually and physically! God is so good!


Lakewood was "alive" this week! There were lots of children at King's Club ready to learn, have fun and share the love of Christ. Izzy did a great job of passing the apple (well it did drop a couple of times!) and "musical plates" was a big hit too! Jesus loves the little children and so do we at Lakewood!


The weeks are quickly counting down! Sunday, November 13, will be the Sunday for collection of the Christmas Shoe Boxes. This is a great opportunity to reach out in a personal way. There is still time......fill a shoe box with small gifts for either a boy or girl. These will be sent around the world to those in need. For more information pick up a brochure or call the church office.

Monday, October 17, 2011


"He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Acts 14:17 Thank God this week for ALL He has provided for you.......God is SO good!!


How awesome it is each Sunday morning as each one enters with a smile....that is one thing that Chuck and Gwen J. love about Lakewood. Chuck noted the friendliness that he experiences each week and Gwen loves the peace that is present as we worship the Lord. Chuck and Gwen have been attending Lakewood for about 10 years. Gwen has many interests but says her favorite is to "organize." She loves to take things apart and then put it all back together in the right order. Chuck is a NASCAR fan and is involved in many other areas. They have five children and two grandchildren and are busy in many directions. What a pleasure it is to have Chuck and Gwen as part of our Life at Lakewood...may God bless them!


Each week the acolytes begin the worship service by lighting the candles....a symbol of Jesus as the Light of the World. This past Sunday Matt O. and Abby S. served the Lord and worshipped Him as they carried out their duties. This simple act reminds each of us how much we need His light, His hope and His mercy. Thank you to all the acolytes and their leaders who share in this special part of worship.


Lots of Baked Good filled the Gathering Room this week as a fund raiser for the Living Stones. It is easy to see that Lakewood has a sweet tooth and that we like good food! There was a great response and very few leftovers!


Sunday School may be a "little" wild at times.....but the Senior High Youth can always count on Rudy to bring a message from God. Can you even find Rudy in this picture? Maybe the lesson this past week was on togetherness or being "one!" Whatever it was, praise God that our youth desire to discover more about the Lord.


There are always lots of fun and games at King's Club each week. These three are all excited as they race to complete the challenge for the night. Grace B. plans game time and it is always something new and different. But....there isn't just fun and games.....most importantly the children learn about God's Word and His love. Please pray for the children as they grow in His grace.

Monday, October 10, 2011


"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105 May God light your path this week with His love and peace!


We're going to start a new attempt at "getting to know" each other better here at Lakewood. So....thank you to Deb and Steve A. for being the FIRST to be a part of FACES AT LAKEWOOD! Deb and Steve have attended here at Lakewood for 15 years and have been involved in many different areas of the church. They have two sons and three grandchildren (with one more on the way!!!). Deb loves to quilt and Steve is into cars....but together they have a passion for motorcycles! Together, they often ride as they enjoy God's wonderful creation. What a blessing Deb and Steve are to Lakewood and may God bless them this coming week!


The second and third graders had some super fun at King's Club this week. The weather was so nice that games were outside and everyone loved playing together. There are even some bare feet in this picture! That probably won't last for long but everyone certainly enjoyed it! The King's Club is growing with lots of excitement...isn't God good!


Doris is getting ready to go south for the winter as are many of our "snow birds." She tells several here at Lakewood goodbye and we pray God's best for ALL those who will be away this winter. No matter where we are God's presence is with us as part of His family. Have a great winter Snow Birds!


It's October but the Living Stones are hard at work preparing for Christmas. This past Sunday Miss Kelly from Centerstage Dance Academy held a workshop to teach the choreograpy. It was a long day but well worth it. This year's Christmas Program is titled "REACH" and will be a very different presentation of the story of Christ's birth. There are 28 Living Stones who have committed themselves to share God's love in this way.....pray for them as they work together for God's glory!


Congratulations to ALL the happy couples here at Lakewood! Ben and Ashley are just one couple, among many, who have recently become engaged. The year of 2012 is going to be a busy one with a full calendar of those planning marriage. Our prayers and best wishes go to each one as they plan and prepare for their special day. May God bless you!


Jessica is pretty proud of her mobile that she did during craft time in Sunday School. There is so much that happens during the Sunday School hour including Blast Off, Bible Lessons, music, crafts and activities. There is a class for every age and everyone is encouraged to get involved. The focus of Bible Blast (Sunday School) is God's Word so dig in and discover all that He has for YOU!


There was a great group at Youth this week and the smiles prove that it was good! Jake is in full swing with both the Junior and Senior High Youth as they grow in their faith together. The Youth Room is an active place on Sunday nights and the energy is "extreme!" Keep on praying for our youth as they discover God's love in their lives.


Even in the church parking lot there is LOTS of fellowship, sharing and times to connect. The weather was so beautiful this week that nobody rushed to their cars but lingered to "catch up" with each other. Praise God for familes and friends that grow over the years as we worship each week at Lakewood!

Monday, October 3, 2011


"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22 Thank you Lord for your promise and faithfulness...we praise You in these things! Pastor Dave's pumpkin patch is full of good things ready to be harvested!!


There were LOTS of Happy Feet at Movie Night this past Sunday! There were over 40 children present for the movie, pop corn, candy, drinks and fun. It was a super time of just being with friends and good times. King's Club will continue with it's regular program next week. So plan on coming out as we Climb on Board with Jesus!


It is always special to see families that worship together at Lakewood. God has given us this gift and what better place to share family time that at church....worshipping the Lord! There is a wonderful joy that comes through this gift and we praise God that so many families choose to worship at Lakewood. Janie and Bonnie both have huge smiles as they prepare to spend time with the Lord together as mother and daughter. May God bless all our families!


How DISTURBING! That's the lesson theme at Youth Group for the next several weeks! Bible Stories that are DISTURBING! Sounds interesting and an awesome way to create interest in God's what are the youth doing in these pictures? Leave it to Jake......each group was to look for (with their hands) the letters to spell each of their names.......the letters were the pasta in alphabet soup. You can imagine the reactions as the sloppy mess created quite a stir! You never know what to expect on Sunday nights at Youth Group....come and discover the fun and the message through God's Word.


It was the first Sunday of the month....October is here! And, it was lunch time! Tacos were on the menu and the gang in the kitchen cooked up a great meal. Thank you Lord for good food, good friends and good times! You are good!


There are so many different jobs, responsibilities and areas that volunteers do each week at Lakewood. What an awesome blessing it is as we each find where God can use us and share our gifts. After counting this past Sunday morning there were at least 63 volunteers who made LIFE at Lakewood become a reality. Between the Worship Service, Sunday School, Fellowship time and Sunday lunch we work together to become the body of Christ. Thank you to ALL that help in any capacity.......Dave M. is a regular in the office on Sundays with the counting crew. This is one of those jobs that goes unnoticed but THANKS to each one!