Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaian 55:10-11 May God water your soul with His Word this coming week!


Have you noticed all the babies and young toddlers around here? How exciting to have young families and to watch them grow. There is something about a baby that just brings a smile and warms your heart. God bless all the children and may they grow in His love. Charlie had a pretty big drink this week and Kiersten was anxious to take up the offering.....don't ya love it!


One of the blessings that we share through Christ is the gift of friendship. It is awesome to watch so many lives that experience that relationship here at Lakewood. Through prayer, encouragement, fun and worship we become ONE in Him. Like Emily and Zack we grow together as friends in Christ as we share and serve together. May Christ continue to bless us as we put Him first in all we do!


Life at Lakewood many times includes remembering those who have gone to be with Jesus. This past week we celebrated Helen T.'s life and praised God for His goodness. What a blessing she was and our prayers continue for Jack and the family.

Monday, September 26, 2011


One of the primary means of communication at Lakewood is the monthly newsletter. This is a printed publication that goes out to all involved at the church. Each month volunteers mail these so that every family can be informed of WHAT is going on! Joanne and Eleanor fold, seal and stamp up to 100 newsletters each month. Thank you ladies! The October issue just went out...watch your mail box and discover Life at Lakewood!


There are always GOOD TIMES at Lakewood Youth Group and this past week was no exception. Perry S. was the special speaker with a focus on breaking addictions. This was a great discussion starter as Jake directed small group discussion. The youth room was full of laughter, talk and the presence of God. How awesome to see Christian youth eager to grow in His love!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Scenes like this will soon be taking place at Lakewood! The equipment to begin the Centershot Ministry has been ordered and will soon be arriving. Dates and times are being scheduled and will be announced soon. This exciting ministry will be offered to children in third through fifth grades to start. The ministry combines the skills of archery with the study of God's Word. Be watching as the details will quickly unfold. Please be in prayer as we venture into this new aspect of reaching out in the name of Jesus!


"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him." Psalm 62:1 Only God's rest can give our soul peace.....like a child who has no cares......we give it all to Jesus!


It was an honor and a privilege to take time this past Sunday to honor those at Lakewood who are 70 years old and older. A special prayer was offered during worship and dinner was held at noon. A great group gathered for a wonderful meal prepared by Julie D. and the Outreach Team. Following the meal Jake and Esther were introduced and sharied briefly about their lives. A short devotional was given reminding each of us that we are God's field and God's building.....and He still has work for all of us to do in His name. Thank you to our Seniors for their wisdom, love and guidance....may God bless each one!


It was an exciting week at Youth Group......50 youth were present and it was a great time of sharing and fellowship. John H. was the special speaker for the evening and gave his inspiring testimony. The Youth Room was jam packed with energy and it is awesome to see so many ready to get involved. Pray for the youth and for Jake as they continue to grow in the Lord.


There are lots of crafts and games plus a whole lot more each week at King's Club! And they all focus on the love of Jesus! Forty children were present this week eager to hear God's Word. Brendan is assembling his shell wind chime in the photo above. Below, Justin leads the group in spelling out the Books of the Bible using alphabet cereal. King's Club is an awesome opportunity for children to connect with God and build a foundation for life.


These two smiling faces, Zoey and Ryleigh, were both in the nursery this week here at Lakewood. A nursery is provided on Sunday mornings so that parents may particpate in the worship services and Sunday School. This is a great opportunity for children to interact with others and a time for parents to take advantage of what is offered. We are blessed with those that staff our nursery and thank them for their time and efforts.


There are two worship services each Sunday morning at Lakewood. The first service is at 9:30 a.m. and the second at 11:00 a.m. Both services seek to glorify God through music, praise, prayer and the study of God's Word. What a blessing to see so many gathered as one in Christ each week. The first service was blessed by music from Jean this week. There is always something new and different in each service.....come and discover the JOY in praising God with fellow Christians.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Jesus said.."Consider the ravens. They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn, yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable YOU are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" May God give you His peace today in knowing that He has taken care of ALL your needs.


There is something for everyone at Lakewood on Sunday evenings. The King's Club kicked off the fall with the theme "All Aboard" as we study the Promises of God. Thirty-eight children were present to learn more about Jesus. There is youth group for those in 6th-8th grades. For adults there are three classes with a variety of topics. The opportunities are many and we encourage EVERYONE to get involved. Call the church office for more information or just come on out next Sunday night at 6 p.m.


What do you get with 39 youth, 8 youth leaders, several parents and one youth pastor? LOTS OF SMILES......it was an awesome youth group and as the pictures show a super time. The night was spent in getting to know Jake and Esther and to welcome the new 6th graders to the group. Lots of activities are in the plans so get plugged in as the youth of Lakewood have a great year!


It was time to eat at Lakewood again! The menu was grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and more than 125 shared lunch. Sunday lunch is always a good time to meet others and to fellowship with friends. Everyone is invited the first Sunday of each month...there is always room for YOU!


Bible Blast took off this week with lots of excitement and enthusiasm. The kids were eager to come back together and share during the Sunday School time. There is a super staff of teachers and helpers and we thank God for all of them. There is a class for every age so find your spot and discover more about Jesus!


It was great to hear the praise band lead in worship during the L2 Service this week. Our new worship leader, Jake, led the group as we lifted our praise to God. It was a great way to begin the fall season and as Jake, and his wife Esther, share their gifts and talents with us we anticipate great things. Come and join us at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday for a time of contemporary worship and praise.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1 Take time this week to look up to the heavens and sense the presence of God all around you-He is an awesome God!


We want to welcome Jacob Dimich to the staff at Lakewood as he assumes the position of Youth Pastor/Worship Leader beginning this week. Jacob, and his wife Esther, live in Hastings and will be a great assett to our church. Keep Jake in prayer as he learns about Lakewood and begins his ministry here. Jake will be in both services this week and leading worship in L2. Come on out and meet him!


WOW.....have you seen all the "ITS" around the church? What is IT all about? Is IT going to be exciting? What will IT be like? This Sunday all of our regular programs at Lakewood will begin including the Youth Group which will be discovering what IT is all about! Life at Lakewood is gearing up for the fall so get plugged in somewhere and grow in your walk with the Lord!

LOTS of Soap!

Every bit of space is used as Laundry Detergent is transported from Lakewood to Manna's Market each month. The Mission Committee of our church coordinates the actual production of detergent to be given away to those in need. This month 105 gallons of detergent was manufactured, bottled and delivered to Manna's Market. This is an awesome undertaking and a big thank you goes to those who help each month in this project. Thanks this month to Allen, Joyce and Larry as two nights were devoted to completing this. Anyone interested in helping out give the church office a call. May we continue to reach out with the love of Jesus in many different ways!