Monday, June 27, 2011


Jesus said..."Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 May Jesus be your rest and peace this week as you live each day for Him.


It was an awesomely beautiful evening as we gathered around the pond at the Enz Farm. All ages were together as we played, ate ice cream and soaked in God's wonderful creation. A short devotion based on Jesus feeding the 5000 reminded us how Jesus feeds our souls with His love and mulitiplies it over and over. Many lingered past the stated ending time not wanting to return to our hectic lives....but what a blessing a few hours can be in the presence of God and other Christians. (Sorry for the sideways picture.....I can't get it to turn and it is a great photo so wanted to include it!)


The Youth Mission Trip is underway as the team has arrived safely in Marquette. The group gathered together shortly after arriving for a time of "getting to know" each other better and build their team. Work starts Monday morning as the partner with Habitat For Humanity. Rudy leads the team with Justin and Beth helping to coordinate the effort. Pray for the leaders and youth as they work for the glory of God. May lives be changed and hearts turned toward Christ!


The Fellowship Hall Adult Sunday School enjoyed a light brunch as part of the last class for the summer. It was labeled "Surprise Sunday" with the food and lesson time being out of the normal routine. The Builder's Class wandered in and also shared some of the fun! Lesson time focused on questions or topics that the class suggested with discussion on some in depth issues. It was great to share together and look forward to class starting again in September.


God has blessed us with those in our lives who encourage us, strengthen us and pray for us. What better place to connect with others than here at Lakewood! No matter what your age there are opportunities to forge friendships that help us in our daily lives. Reach out and broaden your circle of friends.....and experience God's love. There are Bible Studies and other small groups the church office and find out where you can plug in!


It's exciting to see the BACKYARD unfold before us! Ten trees have been planted and a new sign has been posted this week! It kind of makes it a "real" place and holds lots of exciting future possibilities. At present a cost figure is being formulated for the outdooor pavilion as the Camp Board continues to plan for this new addition to Lakewood.


Have you ever wondered how MUCH lemonade we drink at Lakewood? Fred looks like he is guarding the pitcher here but on average we use at least 1200 quarts of lemonade each year. What would a Sunday morning or any special event be without lemonade? We even drink more lemonade than we do coffee! Life at Lakewood covers a lot of territory and that includes LEMONADE!


Day Camp was wild.....WILD for God! It was a great week with 25 campers involved and many volunteers working together to discover God's love. Bible lessons, singing, crafts, lunch and afternoon field trips kept the days busy. Please continue to pray for those who asked Christ into their lives during this special time. Seeds have been planted and now we trust God's Holy Spirit to water and nourish each one. Praise God for His goodness as His Word is shared with others.

Monday, June 20, 2011


"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways...." Psalm 91:11 Praise God that He is with us, protects us and loves us in ALL our ways.....may He be your strength this week.


Day Camp begins this week and it is off to a great start! The kids came early and were eager as they found out all the great stuff going on. Please be in prayer this week as many have not heard about the love of Jesus. May hearts be open to receive all that God has for them. Keep watch for more posts as Day Camp continues!!


What is better than a Happy Face? There are always lots of happy faces at Lakewood and how they make others smile too! Sometimes we forget to look around, especially to the children, and see those innocent smiles. May God remind us to smile and pass it on to others this week! The kids are smiling at Summer Sunday School......what a great time to learn about Jesus!


The table is filling up as we aim toward our goal of 200 Baskets of Love! These baskets are overflowing with small gifts that share huge love-Christ's love! We will be using these baskets to promote the Balloon Blast Event on Sunday, July 31. It is going to be a great time of praise and fun. Make plans (and baskets too) to be a part of this special time in the life at Lakewood!


There are always LOTS of sign ups at Lakewood! There is always LOTS going on. This week there were sign ups for the Youth Mission Trip, Kid's Camp, Sunday Luncheon and who knows what else!!! There is a place for everyone to get involved-whether it is praying, donating supplies, food or cash, volunteering's all needed to carry out the ministry of sharing the Good News! Isn't it awesome that we can work together for the cause of Christ!


The Adult Sunday School class has been involved in a study of Paul's letters to the churches. This past week the class completed Colossians and has one more week left before taking a summer break. The class will pick up again the Sunday after Labor Day and will continue in a study of a Book of the Bible. This coming Sunday....June 26....will be Surprise Sunday! Not only will the lesson be a suprise but so will class time....who knows what will happen!! Come check it out! 11:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.


Lakewood is a great place to be connected....first to Jesus....and then to other Christians. What a blessing it is to be able to share and fellowship with others as we encourage the Body of Christ. It's always great to see the college age connecting and comparing where they are at in life. No matter what age you are....come on out and get involved and get connected!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It's been a great week and we're only half way! What a blessing to see the eager children each day as we learn about God and His love. There has been an average of 60 each day and things have gone so well. What a praise as hearts are touched for Christ. Please continue to pray for VBS!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." I Corinthians 13:13 Is there anything better to express God's love than a little child? The innocent love they have is an example to us.....praise God for His love to us....His children.


Vacation Bible School is happening at Lakewood! What a great way to start the week out with so many children here to learn about Jesus. There are lots of teachers, helpers and youth here too as we share in God's love. Grace has done a tremendous job of preparation and things went smoothly for the first day. Please pray that hearts are touched and lives changed as we spend this week in ministry for the Lord.


It's hard to believe but summer is here and Sunday School is in session! Our classes have been reorganized but everything is in full gear every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Classes are offered for ages 3 through Senior High. The adult class will meet through June but will take a break for July and August. Thank you to Sara and all the teachers who are working together to continue through the summer months!


Have you heard about the "Baskets of Love?" This is an exciting new outreach that we are trying here at Lakewood. The goal is to collect 200 baskets filled with love (treats, gifts and special items) that will be given out in our community with an invitation to attend the BALLON BLAST on Sunday, July 31. What a super opportunity to share God's love with others and it is even pretty easy! Abby is looking over the baskets already collected and deciding what to put in hers.....have you got an empty basket??? Fill it with love and bring it with you next Sunday!


Fellowship is an important part of the Christian Life. At Lakewood there are many opportunities to connect with other Christians for strength and encouragement. Whether it is on Sunday morning during the Coffee Hour or during a small group or Bible Study there is a place for everyone. Come on out and discover where you can plug in at Lakewood!

Monday, June 6, 2011


"This is my body given for YOU, do this in rememberance of Me." Luke 22:19 May God's peace and forgiveness surround your heart today as we remember the Gift of Life through Christ.


It was the first Sunday of June and that means Lunch at Lakewood! Burgers and Hot Dogs were on the grill and a great time of fellowship was shared. At Lakewood we not only feed our souls but our stomachs too! Plan on being part of lunch time each month as we get to know and encourage each other and grow together in Christ. Isn't it great that Christians have soooo much fun!


It is great to see so many new faces as part of the L2 Band! What a blessing it is as we praise the Lord together each Sunday. This worship service meets at 11:00 a.m. and provides a more contemporary approach but remains Biblically based and Christ centered. With the summer months here some of us may sleep a little later on Sunday morning (you don't have to tell anyone that!).....Come on out at 11:00 and check out L2 and worship the Lord with us!


If you didn't see it this is awesome! We have a new grill at Lakewood and it looks like it is going to get used a lot. Frank and Brent broke it in and the burgers were mighty fine. We are looking forward to many outdoor events this summer and the grill will be a great assett. Life at Lakewood is always exciting so get plugged in and discover the excitement!


Tyler, Hannah and Kara speak for all the youth....."summer is here!" School is out and there are lots of plans for the next few months. This week the youth will meet on Friday night at Ron and Norine's home.....there will be swimming, bon fire and great food! It all starts at 6 p.m. If you need more information or directions call the church office!


Have you taken a walk around the church lately? Last week Beckie F. was found strolling through the gardens and admiring God's creation. What a beautiful sight the Iris are this week! There is so much to praise God for as ALL creations sings His praise!


June is here and it will soon be time for this year's Day Camp! Miriam is ready to sign up volunteers as Ellyn and her crew prepare for a great response. This program reaches out to children in our community who do not have a church home and enables us to share the love of Jesus with them. There is lots of fun and food and it all creates a life changing experience for many. Please pray for the Day Camp program as we expect great things to take place!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven."

Matthew 18:4


Aundrea is checking out the summer schedule for Youth Activities and there is LOTS to check out! The schedule is available and is included in the Youth Newsletter which is being mailed out this week. If someone would like a copy please pick one up in the church office or let us know and we will mail you one! The next Youth Event will be Friday, June 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the home of Ron and Norine (call the church for directions if needed). It's gonna be a blast so come on out and join the fun!


Every Tuesday night finds a great group of ladies with their quilts in hand ready for some good conversation and some quilting too! It is surprising how many different groups meet at Lakewood and reflect many different interests. What are you interested in? Maybe there is a group that would fit your interests. If not, maybe you could help start one! Check it out by calling the church office or asking others....there's a place for you at Lakewood!


It's hard to believe that summer is here! The Respite Program has had a great time and ended the season with LOTS of activity. Last week the group traveled to Charlotte and shopped at Goodwill and then had lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken. It was a great time with lots of laughs and good times. This week everyone gathered here at Lakewood and made a "Garden Angel" and then enjoyed a salad luncheon. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this program: the Respite group, the workers and especially Dorothy who has worked hard to provide this service to our community. The group will gather once a month on the third Tuesday during the summer.......and who knows what they will think up next!