Monday, May 23, 2011


"Be joyful always, PRAY CONTINUALLY, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Each Sunday prayer is a focal point of our worship. May our prayers continue to build us up as the Body of Christ and throuh that give Him glory!


Summer is almost here and the Summer Schedule for Youth Activities and Events was handed out this past Sunday night. There is lots going on so check it out and get involved. It was a fun night for the youth as they started by "juggling" life (well maybe balloons)! Rudy shared the lesson and snacks are always a hit with everyone! More information and the schedule are available at the church or check it out on the facebook page....LUMC Youth.


Graduation Sunday was observed this week with a great group of graduates. Present for the service and shown above are Sarah, Stephanie, Sara, Ian, Brooke, Mahrley, Ashley and Antoinette. A time of recognition and prayer was held as each was presented with a small gift from the church. May God bless all of our graduates as they follow His leading in their lives. CONGRATULATIONS!!!


It was a "wild" trip as ten of the Keenagers traveled to Cincinnatti to experience the Creation Museum. The three day trip was filled with fun and spiritual growth. The museum was a great presentation of the Biblical creation and generated a lot of discussion and thought in our group. Our time of devotion and study focused on God's act of "creation" and how that affects each of our lives. Good food, memorable experiences and building friendships made the time even better. It isn't easy to keep up with the Keenagers....who knows where they will be headed next!


The first worship service at Green Acres Assisted Living in Ionia was held this past Sunday. It was a wonderful time of praising the Lord and sharing in fellowship with new and old friends. The Outreach Team is coordinating this project to have a monthly service with a varied program each time. Eight residents from Green Acres attended plus about fifteen from Lakewood! Come and join the group any time as we share the love of Jesus with others.


Lizzie, Matt and Robbie gather around the tree planted in the Backyard in their honor. What a blessing this project will be as we prepare for the future. How exciting for our children to witness the "growth" not only of the trees but the Backyard and the outreach it will include.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal Energy Transport

The kids (and adults too) had a great time of learning about P.E.T. this Sunday! Rev. Keith Laidler was our special speaker who shared this outreach mission with us. Lakewood supports P.E.T. and this personal interaction gave us firsthand knowledge of how our monies are used. May God continue to bless the many different mission areas of our church.


"Sing to the Lord a NEW SONG, sing to the Lord, all the earth!" Psalm 96:1


These youth are the future.....and what a great time of sharing and looking forward they had Sunday night. Summer plans were discussed and a time of looking to God for direction was shared. Chad, Beth, Rudy and Tammy led the night with several other adults adding their support. Sunday night youth group will be held again this week as we continue to move forward together. (Grace did a great job of cooking the hot dogs too!......there is always food and fun....and best of all God's love!) All junior and senior high youth are invited to get involved as the summer schedule is announced.


Following the Blessing of the Backyard this past Sunday we gathered together outdoors to launch balloons in memory of Paul Courser's birthday. Sheila and Fran donated a tree in memory of Paul and shared this special moment of remembering Paul with balloons. What a privilege to share together as God's family in times of joy and grief.......this is the body of Christ!


The Builders Class is one of our regular Sunday School Classes that meets each week at 10:00 a.m. This class is designed for those senior citizens who continue to "BUILD" their lives on Christ. These three were "early birds" to class and the lucky ones to have their pictures taken! Those that attend this class are great examples and pillars of our church and have laid a great foundation for all. The greatest thing is that they are still "building"' their lives on Christ....may we seek to do the same!


The rain and cool weather didn't stop the excitement of the day as we gathered inside for the Blessing of the Backyard. The property to the north of the church no longer looks empty as ten trees have been planted as the first phase of this project. Six maple trees and four ornamental lotus were planted creating a welcoming sight for the entrance to the Backyard. A listing of the donors was read followed by a short reading and blessing. May God's blessing be shared by all as we witness the unfolding of this new venture.


These snacks are on their way to those serving our country in the military. With these snacks we send our prayers and love for each one as they serve around the world. Thank you to Sandy who has organized this effort to reach out and support with the love of Christ. Cards will be available this coming Sunday for us to sign personally.......and keep on praying!

Monday, May 9, 2011


"The memory of the righteous will be a blessing....." Proverbs 10:7 The ornamental pear tree in the courtyard is in full bloom. The tree was donated in memory of Greg Southward and reminds us of him and even more our beautiful blessings from the Lord!


The four girls in dresses all commented that they would rather be in jeans like Allie Jo but Laurel, Brooke, Ashley and Hannah (plus a few not pictured) dressed up all the way this Sunday! Aren't they ALL beautiful....especially their smiles.....and what is more beautiful is that they were all here to worship Jesus. Whatever they are wearing the desire to be in the House of the Lord is an encouragement to us all.


It was an awesome spring day on Saturday as a great group gathered to clean up the church grounds! Lots of yard work, spreading mulch and trimming trees resulted in a wonderful fresh look for the church. What a praise this is to God as we care for His House and His Creation. What a praise as we work together in His name! Thank you workers for the Lord!


This coming Sunday, May 15, Lakewood will share in a "BLESSING OF THE BACKYARD!" The property to the north of the church has been set aside as a future recreational area. As a first step a tree planting will be held following the Sunday morning worship services. Nine trees have been donated and will be planted along the parking lot. These will be Maple Trees and will be the beginnings of an exciting project. Watch as the Backyard grows into reality!!!


This past week Lakewood was visited by the photographer from Universal Church Directories. Many were patiently waiting as about 150 families were photographed in four days. Now the work begins of organizing and assembling the finished directory. What a great opportunity this will be to learn to know each other better. Can't wait to see everyone's picture....hope you smiled!!


Charlie is ready for Bible Blast to take off each week and to begin learning about the love of Jesus! Proverbs 22:6 reminds us to "train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." What a joy to witness so many young children discovering God through His Blast Off, Bible Blast, King's Club, Vacation Bible School, Children's Church and Kid's Camp....there are LOTS of opportunities to raise our children in the ways of the Lord!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your heart with joy." Acts 14:17


Have you noticed the tool trailer in the parking lot this last week? The church is getting some needed work done and it's looking great. Both of the cupolas have been resided and completed. They, and the roof, are now protected against the elements of weather. The crew has been great and we appreciate this improvement to the building greatly. Next time you drive in....look up and take notice of how nice this looks!


Paul and Mark are busy constructing a new snack counter for the youth room at Lakewood. Thanks guys for your time and efforts on this new addition. It will be great to see the finished product and ALL the snacks that will be available for the youth! The youth will have their last Sunday night gathering this week. The focus of the night will by JOY. All youth are encouraged to come on out and join in the action (maybe the snack counter will be finished!).


You just never know who will pop into the church office for a visit! Janice and Sterling stopped by this week and surprised us all. The church office is always open for anyone to stop by (even your pets!). We love for our church family and friends to feel welcome to come by.....we may even have a cup of coffee ready!


The destination was Alto Faith Bible Church this past Sunday for the Living Stones. Pastor Gary Dougherty invited the group to share in ministry for their morning worship service. A great group gathered as the Stones shared a full length performance. Highlights included a new energetic song entitled "GO!" and five of the youth sharing during the testimony time. May God be praised as the youth share His love with others!