Monday, April 25, 2011


"You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here!" Mark 16:6

.........Thank you to the Junior High Youth for making the arrangements to have a wonderful display of lilies....over 30 were spread across the front and on the altar....a beautiful reminder of this special day!


What an awesome blessing it was to worship together and celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior! Both services were filled with excitement as we gathered as the Family of God. Over 320 were present for the First Service and L2 had about 125. It was a joyous time as the music, specials and message focused on our Risen Lord! May we continue to celebrate the Good News and share it this coming week!


The children from our BLAST OFF program presented a super skit this past Sunday. Kathy began by asking the children if they were ready for Easter and knew what it meant. The children were confused until they figured out that the message of Easter was HE IS RISEN! The kids then sang one of the songs they have learned during Blast Off time and made us all smile as we shared in the Joy of Easter together.


The Lake Odessa Area Chamber of Commerce invited the Living Stones to be a part of this year's Easter Egg Hunt at the Lake Odessa Park. The group shared four puppet songs focused on the message of CELEBRATE the Good News of Jesus' Resurrection. A big crowd gathered to watch the performance as the Living Stones performed before the egg hunt. It was a great opportunity to reach out and tell others the true meaning of Easter! Praise the Lord!


It was a great time for all the youth of the Lakewood Area as the newly formed Lakewood Youth Fellowship gathered last Wednesday at our church. Games, popcorn, singing and praise began the evening. The Living Stones had the opportunity to share two new black light productions before the speaker for the evening was presented. Mike Skupin, a past contestant on the Survivor program, shared his faith and encouraged the youth to stand strong in their walk with Christ. The Lakewood Youth Fellowship plans to meet monthly with a different location each time. Keep watch for more information!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The Senior High Youth spent Friday night at the church ROCKIN' for a cause! Each youth spent 12 hours in a rocking chair to raise funds for the remodeling of the youth room. It was a great time as the hours passed with games, food, fellowship and staying awake! There was LOTS of energy as someone (not mentioning Dylan's name) rocked so hard they broke the chair! Thank you youth for your committment to help with this project.

Monday, April 18, 2011


It was a celebration as we observed Palm Sunday at Lakewood! The congregation shared together in bringing the palms forward in praise as we sang "Hosanna Loud Hosanna!" What a wonderful sight it was as familes, young and old, all placed their palm branch before the altar. Ben and Jackie both heard the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem and how the palm branches were laid on the road proclaiming Christ as King! May He be the King of our hearts this week as we celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection.


Doesn't that smile just make you happy?!!! Philippians 4:4 tells us "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: REJOICE!" God is good!


Reaching out to others in the Name of Jesus was the focus this past Sunday. We were challenged to deliver a bag of homemade cookies to someone in need of encouragement. Fifty-two bags of cookies were packaged by the Outreach Team and then distributed during both worship services. Prayers of God's blessing were given as we work together to carry the Good News to those in need. Continue to pray that God's spirit will work in the lives of those who shared in this ministry.


Sometimes we just have to be silly! The innocence of childhood reminds us of this as both Jessica and Jennifer have fun with their play dough during Sunday School. What a wonderful way to encourage openess and expression as we share the love of Jesus together. Let's all be a little silly this week and enjoy life!!


The Respite Program and the Keenagers joined together this past week and met at the Lake Odessa Museum Complex for the monthly program. The Respite group met early and spent time visiting and doing a coloring puzzle. The Keenagers arrived later and a museum scavenger hunt started it off. As everyone explored the displays many memories were shared of times gone by. John then gave a short background of some of the exhibits and shared a devotion based on "memories." Lunch followed with subs from Subway....mmmmm!!! A great time of sharing with Christian friends.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Jesus said....."Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt. 19:14 (It was Andrew and Gideon's first Sunday at Lakewood! Praise the Lord!)


This may not look like a typical Sunday School class...BUT....Rudy pulls it together each week as the Senior High Youth gather to study God's Word. It was early when this picture was taken so only a few had wandered in but by the time 11:00 a.m. rolls around a full group of youth come together to learn and grow. The Sunday School time is the perfect opportunity to dig deeper and discover how the Bible applies to our lives......come on out and join the group!


The Youth have several fundraisers taking place and this week Emily was at the Lily table. The Junior High Youth continue to offer this opportunity as we prepare for Easter Sunday. What a beautiful sight and special reminder of Christ's Resurrection these lilies will be. We're not sure how many there will be but it looks as if the altar will be filled and overflowing! Make plans now to share with us at Lakewood on Easter Sunday.


Every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. it's time for BLAST OFF!!! All children up through fifth grade meet in Room 109 for a time of singing, learning Bible verses and sharing about the love of Jesus. This prepares the children for the BIBLE BLAST (Sunday School) hour and reinforces the lessons each week. Make sure to be a part of this awesome time as we grow together in the Lord!


Fellowship is an important part of our life at Lakewood....sharing and encouraging each other as we worship, study and get to know each other as the family of God. Sunday morning at Lakewood includes a time of fellowship with snacks, coffee, pop and lemonade for all ages. It is a relaxed atmosphere as we connect and strengthen our relationships. It is a great opportunity to be a friend to someone and reach out in the name of Jesus.


Have you seen the plans for the BACKYARD?!!! The Camp Board of our church is ready to set into action this exciting plan! The BACKYARD is an outdoor recreational area designed to expand the ministry of our church. The plan calls for a covered picnic pavilion, open play areas, playground equipment, walking paths, fire pit and more. The first phase of the BACKYARD will be to plant trees to establish the grounds. Trees may be purchased for this project in memory or honor of an individual.....and the first trees to be planted will be on Sunday, May 15, at 12 p.m. A special blessing and planting will be held for everyone to come together as we begin this new venture. For more information contact the church office.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The Living Stones are hard at work each week rehearsing for their upcoming performance on Sunday, April 17 at 6 p.m. This is going to be a great program with some awesome special effects. The youth are excited to share the message of Hope in Christ and pray that many will come and be a part of the evening. Following the performance a time of Fellowship will be held with an awesome "Dessert Bar!" Make plans to be here and bring a friend!

Monday, April 4, 2011


"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being." Rev. 4:11


The first Sunday of each month is LUNCH AT LAKEWOOD! Following Sunday School and the 11:00 service everyone is invited to join in the Fellowship Hall for a lunch and time of fellowship. The lunch is provided each month and this month was TACO TIME! This is a great way to get to know others and to grow in Christian love. This is always a FUN time and we all love to eat! Join us next what's on the menu???? Come and find out!


Worship at the 11:00 service begins with the L2 BAND leading our hearts and thoughts in praising the Lord. The band is led by Worship Leader Simon Phelps and brings a contemporary sound with a solid message. What a blessing it is as we gather each week to be surrounded by an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation as we sense the moving of God's Spirit. This service is casual but remains Biblically based and Christ centered....we pray that you will come and experience this special time.


April is here and it will soon be time to celebrate the RESURRECTION of our Lord! The Junior High Youth are helping us by offering Easter Lillies for sale. The lillies will be used as part of our worship and celebration on Easter Sunday. Owen has been helping out at the sign up table as the Youth get things ready for an inspiring time of rejoicing. Make plans to be here on Easter Sunday and CELEBRATE!


Music is an important part of the worship time here at Lakewood. In the 9:30 a.m. service special music directs our worship toward Jesus as we praise Him through song. John shared his gift, talents and faith this week and blessed us and the Lord! May all that we do give glory to God!


Holy Communion is shared the first Sunday of each month at Lakewood UM. Both the 9:30 a.m. service and the 11:00 service observe this special time of remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We invite YOU to join us for communion each month. There will be a special communion on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m. as we observe Maundy Thursday.