Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Over one hundred met at the Ionia Bowling Alley last Sunday for a fun time of fellowship and some bowling too! We don't know who had the high score of the day but many competed for the low score!! It was great to see all ages, families and friends coming together to share the afternoon. God is pleased when we are one in Him and what a great way to get to know each other better.


"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better." Ephesians 1:17


Excitement bubbles forth every week as the children gather for Children's Church. Jane leads this group and teaches our children about the love of Jesus. The enthusiasm and smiles tell a story as the children race to find their place at Children's Church. What a blessing to have parents who bring their families to God's House each week......keep praying as we work together to teach and share God's Word.


Our children's sermon this past Sunday focused on the farmers in our church. Margaret led this special time and asked all the farmers to come up front and join the children. As spring approaches and the work begins in planting and preparing for this year's crop she reminded us to keep our farmers in prayer. That was just how Margaret ended her message....with a prayer of thankfulness, strength and protection....May God bless our farmers!


You have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat Amy to a good sale! The Living Stones Rummage Sale was a great success and many did get up early and found lots of bargains. It was a great day as hundreds poured into the church to help support the ministry of the Living Stones. Thank you to all who donated and helped out to make this project go so well. The proceeds from this fund raiser will be used by the Living Stones for their summer ministry trip to North Carolina.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The youth gathered this week to hear Tammy Woodman share her lesson on the Fruit of The Spirit. Each week focuses on one of the Fruit with smaller groups discussing the topic in depth. The night included good music (we hear that some of the youth are really "jammin"), good food and lots of great fun. Check out what is happening on Sunday Nights!


This past Sunday we celebrated and shared together in Camp Sunday. Summer will soon be here and we are gearing up for a great Day Camp and a great Kid's Camp. Both are programs that focus on bringing kids into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our church funds these programs and your financial gifts are so appreciated as we work together. Your prayers are needed as we prepare and finalize plans for our camps. We praise the Lord for ALL He has done!


All is well......Swabbie has been forgiven! It has been quite a year at King's Club and we ended last Sunday with LOTS of excitement. Swabbie didn't have to walk the plank but the Captain ended up in the water! All of the things Swabbie had done wrong were forgiven and we ended with a good ending. The kids were full of enthusiasm as we finished up our crafts, lessons and activities. The study of the Lord's Prayer was concluded and all shared in praying it together before we enjoyed pizza and pop. What a great year it has been...thank you to ALL the workers and leaders who made King's Club run so smoothly each week. See you all at Bowling Sunday...and watch for FAMILY FUN times this summer!

Monday, March 14, 2011


There was LOTS of energy at King's Club this week as the children arrived for King's Club. Swabbie had fallen asleep again and it looks as if he might have to "walk the plank!" The kids are almost finished learning the Lord's Prayer and how awesome it has been to see even the smallest ones saying it together. Crafts, activities, stories and snacks are always important parts of King's Club. Next week is our last regular meeting.....it's gonna be interesting to see what happens! The kid's are voting to make Swabbie walk!!!


Each Sunday night there are three adult groups that meet for study, growth and sharing. Currently Pastor Dave leads the Imarriage series and Perry leads a study using the Beth Moore series. Another group meets later in the evening for study and prayer. All three groups are open to anyone interested in getting "plugged in" at Lakewood. Contact the church office for more information on how you can get involved!


Looks like the youth really got into their lesson this week----Patience! The speaker for the night was Rudy who shared his message on Three Dimensional Patience-Inward, Outward and Upward. Music, games, food and fun filled out the rest of the night as Simon continues to bring the focus on the Fruit of the Spirit. Next week is Kindness......come discover what's happening at Youth Group!


It was "Around The World" at Lakewood this past Friday night as approximately 45 gathered for dinner and fellowship. What a wonderful surprise to see all the "yummy" dishes that were prepared....lots of creative things to taste! It was a great time to relax and share together with converstation after dinner focused on the world. Several shared their experiences of world travel and many told where they would like to travel someday. After dessert (which was also great!) the group gathered in the sanctuary for a time of prayer for the world. What a blessing to be together as the family of God!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


LIFE AT LAKEWOOD is on the net! This is a new experiment to reach out to our community in a new and exciting way. Keep watch here for lots of great things taking place at Lakewood UM!